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Everything posted by D_Stirls

  1. The mods deleted the thread on NS.com for some reason????
  2. Might want to put a post on NS.com as well then EDIT!! i just saw that you have
  3. there's still a fair few problems with the new hardtuned website and i'm not a big fan of the new layout on NS, might have to spend a bit more time on SAU now....
  4. what was the name of the federal member that they said was right behind to project?
  5. i think there was enough people there for there to be another one at a later date i would say, but i just watched the news to see what was said about the rally and nothing not a single word was mentioned. This rally was advertised/announced a bit late with only about 4 or 6 weeks lead time, if there is another one with a bit more advertising then i think it will be huge which is what we need. The weather was the big killer today, i was there for 2 hours but that was about all the heat i could stand.
  6. Well i only have one more thing to say; Anyone who is on here at 12pm tomorrow (sorry today, posting at 2:30am) should be banned instantly, and maybe have there car taken away. I'll be wearing my "Growly Custom Machining" shirt for my brother so say G'day if you see me.
  7. Dom has put all the episodes on NS.com but i guess he hasn't got to SAU yet, Here's the link the NS thread. http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=282922
  8. does the digital temp gauge have the sender as well?
  9. what is the standard offset for skylines? i'm thinking for a 8 inch rim it would be about +35 if they are the same as silvia's (i have a 180sx). i have a set of BA stockies (7.5 wide and are 35 offset) that i was going to sell for $30 each as spare rims for drifters but if the offset for skylines is different the they won't fit obviously and they are no good to me as they are 5 stud.
  10. You will need spacers for it if you use AU+ rims because the offset will be wrong. i have a NC fairlane and tried to put a set of rims on it and the offset was way off.
  11. My car has cost me a lot more than my missus, and the sad thing about that is at least i give to take the missus "around the block" occasionally but I've had my car for 3 years and have only put 2500 km on her. In fact she's only had 700km in the last 2 years (the car that is).
  12. well someone had to say it
  13. For all those people who have something else to do, don't ever complain about not having a place drag your car or the fact that there hasn't been a top fueler run in the state for over 8 years. Since i moved to Adelaide from the country (1999) Bob Jane has held the performance community at ransom and now that we have chance to change things people have other things to do?????????????????? There won't be another rally if this one isn't a success; in fact i would almost say that if this isn't a success then it will kill the project in the water. We need the government to supply land for this to go ahead and if we get 20,000 people there then there is a chance that it will happen, but if we have 1000 people there (which i suspect is going to be the case because people have things to do) then the government will tell us quite rightly to go away as there isn't enough public support.
  14. Ministry of Bass also sell them for $399, as i have to do a mates intercooler fitment in a week of so but i didn't know that ISC did them as well. He's going to buy one tomorrow so i might get him to go have a look at the ISC ones as well. Ryan do you have a shop front or do you mainly sell over the I-net.
  15. Bring on the 39 degree temps. I'd say the fastest times are going to be done before 11am
  16. More power made during winter. Bring on the dense air.
  17. Steve that picture needs a caption, Something like. "At night the GTR sits in the shadow, waiting for it's prey".
  18. I think I can safely say now that my car won't be ready in time, but i'll be out there to watch and help out with NO-GRIP. Don't people just love owning cars that spend more time in the garage than on the road.
  19. EDIT!! you beat me too it. Jeff's been flat out lately and hasn't been on NS for a while so better to ring him directly. Jeff:0434637357 +1 to what was said above. Also Jeff used to use Morpowa's dyno to do his remaps but now he has based himself at Turbo Tune. I'm sure if you threw a bit of cash at him he will still come to Morpowa for you.
  20. lol; Once again; The 25 uses high impedance side feed injector where as the 26 uses low impedance top feeds. So no they won't fit. If you don't want to stuff around with resistor pack and such use injectors suitable for RB20's because they will be top feed so they will fit the RB26 rail and the will also be high impedance so you won't have to change anything in the wiring. New Injectors- Perfect Run.com Have a look at the link above, a set of Sard 650 or 800cc's (both the same price) will cost you ~ $610 delivered.
  21. And the text messages have also started about this meeting. How many people have received it.
  22. Thanks Steve, His website's shit though. He's looking for some one to build him one at the moment but he needs to be able to update it himself and not many people want to offer that as they lose the extra money.
  23. The 25 uses high impedance side feed injector where as the 26 uses low impedance top feeds. i know where you can get a top feed fuel rail made up for a 25 though.
  24. Your about 1 month too late. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Mo...rd-t203066.html
  25. I would have/did assumed since they are a member of the EU. The car pictured won best European car at the Extreme HP show which is where they would have taken that picture. It was on the GROWLY custom machining stand as Matt has made some parts for him.
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