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Everything posted by khunjeng

  1. the point was shit happens and it doesnt necessarily mean the people at that workshop are no good and as such we shouldnt be bagging them considering we have no idea what really happened. Its fruitless debating potentioal scenarios to a situtaion you nor I have not been involved with. That being said I have never seen anything like that before and if that hapened to me i would be quite pissed to say the least. But at least we know what to do when we loose a sump plug LOL
  2. its obviously been done for a reason. before you all jump on your bandwagons, there is another side to this story obviously as its harder to do what was done than just replace with the existing sump plug. as for fark ups...I'd like to see any one here who hasnt farked something up before.
  3. here is mine 9.5 with 265 also..offset is about right.
  4. there is always more to every story.
  5. do you have any F/G bonnets for an s1? anyway email sent.
  6. get me some good thai stickers and i would buy some!
  7. my diff has been in for about 1 week. They did some figure 8s and i did some also...then took it to sanddown for a few laps. Only done about 400km but already its feeling pretty good.
  8. happy bday Kaz!
  9. Happy B-Day mate...now you 19 how does it feel?
  10. was looking hot, sounded hot and went fast fr the few laps I was watching.
  11. yeah good day...I went home when it got wet but hot the car going nice. Best part of the day apart from driving was watching adam blast his big red round a few laps...its damn quick. Thanks to DD for a great day.
  12. thats a good GL5 rated gear oil. Their add. package is good for lsd's not too slipperly.
  13. Syntrans is GL4 rated and good gear oil. go a GL5 Synstrx if your serious IMO but they are both good gear oils.
  14. LOL!
  15. I havnt got mine back from having it installed...see if I have simiraly issues this week. Although my guys were pretty clued in to giving me the right setup. I bought mine 8 months ago but if I had my time over I would have got a NISMO 1.5way which you can more easily adjust pre-load etc. let us know how u go, I'II give my feedback on my setup next week.
  16. the guys that did the speed cameras in the tunnels is now bankrut you do the math the strips for the tunnel verisons re pezo strips...just slow down before you get there...make sure you know where they are, use the exit markers as a guide. If you look you can see both the cameras in the gantry and the strips on the road. its not hard. Not withstanding they are not always on for system maintence (backend) but thats not common. dont speed is the easy solution.
  17. greddy - just installed on on the rb25 and its nice.
  18. they adjust to the speed. just need to be lucky and hope they were not working which happens. but they do adjusted with the speed chnage in the tunnels.
  19. thats assuming you sell the house and go back to living in the ferrari.
  20. sounds like your farked without court intervention, also sounds like you have a pretty farked history and sounds like you are on your Ps still. mate, Justin911 had the only good advice so far, sell you car and use the money for taxis in the meantime...and buy a sk8 board.
  21. just do...already paid. always a good time with Kev.
  22. regrdaless of FMIC install...if you have a pod as well...its illegal. i.e. 90% of gtst owners
  23. so many people have done it. but do it at your own risk...
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