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Everything posted by khunjeng

  1. if ur using 300V, RP or Redline i would be leaving it in for approx 10,000kms if its just general use. The addatives take time to work.
  2. as the title suggests, and be damaged only looking for the glass, and window stuff on the inside.
  3. nice RIPS setup, I have a similar one.
  4. where are u going, werrabie??
  5. what were u driving on friday arvo...I actually liked it
  6. 205? are they for your mums swift????
  7. ps3 has a better processer than most bluerays players anyway and loads way faster than any I have used I havnt actually used mine for games...
  8. my favourite part was " very rare midnight purple Duco "
  9. I use Bigpond Extreeme 30Mb/s plan. Nothing like downlaoding all your torrents in 15min while doing 10 at a time. I also only use Telstra NextG as every other network is shit in comparision for coverage. Thanks must go to work for paying for all of this.
  10. i'm still freaked ur paying 1.5k with Shannons for your car. Just got my renewal form in front of me, 750 for a GTST at 25k for full comp, and Ive made a least one major claim in the last 5 years with that car.
  11. I'II give you $150
  12. as mentioned, Access Autoworks have them at great prices. For the price they are awsome.
  13. My mrs and I go out for breakfest, lunch and dinner almost every night, sometimes we even go together So a special treat was to stay home and have something. LOL
  14. looks like some spots are still left, should be in then. Juts need to remember to fax my form from work tomorrow and renew my CAMS which just expired. always a great weekend.
  15. my whole street has either a new bmw, mainly X5s or an Audi A6s. - they are all over 50, and 80% who dorve them are women over 50. So yeah, go get one, you'll be in the club lol no1 gives a toss expect your mates who drink at X bar who reckon the new menu at Z lounge is better cos of the new fusion feel.
  16. If ur out east : Lilydale Automatics Factory 36, Industrial Gardens Cavehill Rd, Lilydale, VIC 3140 p: (03) 9735 4555 IMO these guys are the best. Solved all my difficult issues with a number of auto boxes that nobody was able to. In fact I was so suprised at the incompetence of many places I just dont bother even as its a bit far for me to go but I still go there as I take it there once, its fixed and I never go back.
  17. I need these gone. Pick up only. $150.
  18. major service on a RB25 is pretty straight forward. EAS will be a perfect place for you to go given your location.
  19. my last two cars done by then, pretty much top notch. I been planning for the 33 to get a tint for ages now, just never got around to it. its time I think.
  20. probably down for this. At this stage I'm booked to be OS but looks like it may be delayed until the following week, if so I will go cos my car is going ok.
  21. yeah I'm up for the next winton beginner's day. anyone got any pics or video uploaded yet?
  22. rocket cover gasket is a 30min job. a few screws and they are off. you just put the gasket in and ur set. main thing is to get some half moon seals or make sure u re-use the old ones and use gasket goo stuff. Pretty easy overall. Buy the bits from Nissan, cant remember but its about $50-70 for both sides plus 2 half moon seals.
  23. its 4G technology based on OFDM, LTE which will overlay telstra's NextG network next year is very similar and in fact they will converge. It willl only be a niche broadband technology for Aus. I'm doing some deployments with it. I just did an interview with ZNet and some other online technology news poeple last week maybe it will be released one once I ok the content. As it happens Nortel lead the R&D of this with Nokia, Alcatel and a Motorola. Only Nokia and Alcatel remain serious players in Australia closly following by CISCO in this domain...Ericsson is pure 3G/LTE here and globally.
  24. yeah another great day from DD. I had fun and it seems everyone elese did too... pitty about the sunburn later however I'II see everyone at their next track day as my car look like it is now holding up nice.
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