I'm a Elec Engineer and have worked on shit loads of big projects also.
Biggest project comming up is the new Vic Government mandate to roll out smart electricty meters...there is going to be a shortage of qualified electrictions as they aim to roll out new meters to 100% of victoria in 4 years at around 1Billion dollars. I'm runnning the comms program for Singapore Power one for the main electricty companies, soon to be the biggest in July if any1 reads BRW and know a company called Babcock and Brown! So find a company in this game as they will all be flat out starting next year.
Apart from that if your keen I would go to RMIT or Swinburne. Only cos I have been most impressed with people from there over the past few years although in reality the big ones are pretty much the same.
I did mine at Swinburne and got a D for Quantum Mechanics...now thats top shit! haha