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Everything posted by khunjeng

  1. hehe I'm PWC..Kennys FTW!
  2. best 33 gtr going about in melb.
  3. after downloading all 3 last week and watching them, they have their moments but not that scary. I think there are some awsome scenes in those movies though. I think F&F was scary when the floor feel out of his car...
  4. use a K&N filter, has a hex nut ontop and also is made form decent material internally, rated one of the better oil filters around but cost a bit more. If it helps I recently bought a 13 row Trust cooler kit with relocatoin kit and braided lines for $700 delivered.
  5. in the us your operating temps can be much lower than here in Australia. Its quite common on the BITOG forums based in the states to see new cars in the use use a 20wt oil. If your usage is only for street and short driving to the shops etc then I would be going a low wieght esp. in the cold sub zero temps. If its for track then you need something that will no thin out with high temps. I qt is approx .9l. I use redline from the states which only comes in quarts.
  6. yeah takers time for the re-location kit and the cooler install. a few hundred would be about right for time and effort. Main thing is that its done correctly we dont want any faulty lines, connectors etc.
  7. was a good day...I pushed my current tires to the max and came off a few times but its how it needs to be. My new break setup is much better and hold up for 5-6 laps easily. Need new tyres... good to meet some poeple
  8. te37s are sexy, esp with the GTR and the right offset. Also need ot be 18s
  9. See you there Wayne State Forecast for Sat : Early fog patches then cloud & wind increasing. Showers developing in west, spreading to east late. Should be good if the rain holds up...nice and cool = fun times for all.
  10. khunjeng

    Radar Guns

    just need to be in the beam of the radar which is approx 60 deg which means at about 200m it will cover 4 lanes of traffic easily. If you were going real fast its very easy to spot and detect you. Basically he would have dropeed a few km off the reading to allow for error. and say his speed jugement indicated you were going fast and the radar was just backup. ask for the papwerwork and see for yourself.
  11. -------------> goes and downloads all three.
  12. I had a club sandwicth at the hotel for lunch. yours was way better
  13. 20min if you having a beer at the same time... LOL
  14. lol ur worrying about $100. never had an issue with mine and been using for some time. I have checked them every 5k and so far no issues with the iridi's at all after 10k. Personally for $100 every 10k or whatever I couldnt give a toss. Although now you can get them online much cheaper now
  15. should be there will shoot an email through. new brakes to try out.
  16. good luck getting back on time. I have been to syndey 10 times in the past 20 days and 7/10 time the flight has had some major delays...worst ever and Ive beee doing this for a long time. Anyway this friday, next tuesday and next friday I'm in syndey..lol got Telstra tickets for the footy sunday as it happens.
  17. hey mate...intrested as a new track car. whats it dyno at? can u post a sheet?
  18. are the Te37s for sale? nice car....looks hot, good luck.
  19. khunjeng

    Car Vs House

    how about get a good job + duel income, no kids. Then do whatever you want. 2-3 cars and a house and pay it off in 5 years.... done deal.
  20. doesnt change the fact its all a bit sad.
  21. its a phone. wow. If it changes your life that much then I feel sorry for you.
  22. nice work ash. must be a good feeling. Now time to upgrade?
  23. wife has one from HK...cost a bit less than those prices delivered. its sweet but I hate those gay phones. just use NextG and dont f**k around with shit networks.
  24. hey adam been so busy last year or so, but my plans are kicking off now so time will be free'd up...next time I see you I will tell you all about it. Chris.
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