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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. I used to sale the KKR type of turbos back in 05 and 06, purchased from the same manufacture in China. I stopped doing that and developed my brand locally due to a lack of product reliability, support and performance. My judgment is only based from that period. Well based on my Previous test the KKR430 maxed out on my fully built CA18det at 230rwkws. KKR480 with identical comp wheel and housing maxed out on the same engine at 261rwkws. See what the problem is here. The comp wheel is too big for 430's turbine capacity while the KKR480 would be considered a more balanced setup. How ever due to out dated wheel design the local engineered ATR28G4 has out performed the externally gated 480 in both response and power by extraordinary 55 rwkws (316rwkws).. Dyno comparison: Retired verion of TR44 (KKR480) on CA18det externally gated 24psi: Current version of ATR28G4 on CA18det internally gated 24psi.
  2. I wouldn't thought this theory works as my actuator's spring pressure is already greater then intake manifold pressure. Obviously actuator's rod force is not based on the sum of both pressures, but only the strongest. Based on the physics of: force = Pressure x Area I've trailed it by reducing the "Area" which is the wastegate port size. This has worked. boost is holding at 18psi perfectly, I’ve also engineered it as adjustable suiting larger sized engines. I will find out the effects it has based on the end results next week.. How ever this is still not my main goal of stabilizing exhaust manifold pressure. So I've made a rough model of have an external wastegate integrated into an internal gated setup. If this works as expected it will be able to keep the top end steady while picking up another 10~15KWs. I'm not sure if this is counted as "Road legal" assuming this is some how internally wastegate.
  3. From more professional perspective. The KKR430 is abit of a mismatched turbo. Mainly due to: Restrictive turbine housing and Restrictive turbine wheel working with 6CYC engines. Comp flow capacity > turbine flow capacity. In result not only its laggy for the HP range it is in. It also creates high exhaust manifold pressure that has negative affects on the reliability and life time of the actual turbo. Also with the KKR's turbine housings the A/R stamp or the A/R description doesn't seems to be accurate. As a proper .82 turbine housing out performed a supposedly .69 KKR turbine housing with both HP and response using identical CHRA. Wither with high flows a experienced turbo builders can build a balanced package that maximizes its flowing capacity while still meeting user’s desired driving ability with lot longer life expectancy.
  4. RS has different turbine wheel. Probably not much more in HP, but lot more torque. We've been using those 2x types of CHRAs in our 300zx turbo developments. Very noticeable amount of difference on road, The RS gives stronger pulling sensation while both turbos made within 2KWs difference.
  5. Naa they will be way too laggy to run as twin on a RB26det (1.3L / Turbo vs 2.5L / Turbo). We can high flow them with 2860RS cores. will deliver better result.
  6. 2530 is touch bit bigger in comp wheel tirm.
  7. No. Wastegate was forced open by pressure. It run off scale fully shut and popped a cooler hose. Not really possible to get bottom and range power in one hit. Should be possible to certain extent with the VIRA turbine housing setup. So work in progress. 3.5mm is from the center of the wastegate flap to the turbine housing.
  8. The NA's down low response and power seems to be lot more responsive. Good result. My SS-3 prototype with built in ExWG is almost finished in subject to out run GT3076s. Will be a good comparison in few weeks time.
  9. Well its obviouse that you can hold boost and power better uptop with larger housing and wheel. But on the same time you are shifting power band towards higher RPMs, which is defeating the purpose of building this turbo. I'm not really on this track, I'm thinking more of bleeding out the excess pressure when overload. which should help to keep the power band steady up top.
  10. Discussion time: Sam recommended this type of actuator as a solution to boost drop problem: Boost pressure goes into bottom nipple that forces the diaphragm Up. The Boost pressure goes into the top nipple to force the diaphragm down. Manifold pressure escapes by forcing the diaphragm down. Make this work, you need two boost controllers to bleed certain amount of air in/out to re-enforce pressure on desired side of the diaphragm. Goal is to overcome manifold pressure and stabilize boost pressure. By my calculation this won't work for this scenario, as exhaust manifold pressure is clearly higher then inlet manifold pressure. Please let me hear your opinions wither I should invest in this simple setup or should I make a external gate internal which I know for fact that definitely works.
  11. The cut is from Facoty rubber intake pipe sucking it self shut. I've had same issue before went to metal intake pipe.
  12. Thanks for the input. Yes the comp side is very similar. The turbine side is very different.
  13. No NO. Please do not cancel your trip for this turbo. There are still few things I'm doing to get it perfect. I will make it commercially available when ready. With the drop it could be if the housing's maxed, external gate should solve abit of that issue. We see what happens.
  14. I'm modeling a turbine housing that has external gate ports in and out to have an external gate replacing the current actuator setup. So boost control issues is going to be history. shortly.
  15. Ok I believe most people have seen of how this interesting turbo performed. Youtube video: I've had some play with the wastegate controller and boost controller. The result is some thing like this: So basically the end result is you can use this device to hold boost to certain extend. But can not emulate the full extend of an external wastegate. It is pretty sensitive to adjustment. Other thing to try is the twin entry actuator: Apparently you can use inlet manifold pressure force shutting the wastegate and adjust it with 2x boost controllers or supporting EBCs. I will check to see what Garret has in this range and do few more tests later in the week.
  16. This turbo was engineered for max street driving ability. Its more of a independent turbo that has no shared features to all other ATR43 models. We've also done some testing on it using different actuators and settings with wastegate controller. I will discuss that in my thread lateron this evening.
  17. Here's the link of the video footage: On road for normal driving its good, feels like always on boost. Once floored just wheel spin every where. 2nd Gear wheel spin from 3500RPM all the way to 7000RPM. Good responsive street turbo. To bolton to stock setup need 2x slicon hoses, Exhaust and manifold plus lines bolton, can be high flowed into stock turbo. Car's got 800cc injectors, Z32 AFM, FMIC, Exhaust, Clutch, BOV, Nistune chip.
  18. I make this public. I've tested our ATR43SS-2 today at dr.drift. Here's the fun part: Stock RB25det, 18psi before 2500RPM, made 249rwkws. car's tuned on 4th gear. 98 Fuel
  19. I've built few different housings in T3x bolt flange with a OEM 6 bolt dump pattern that is made to suit a GT2xBB and T2x sleeve bearing housings. available in .63 T3 and .82 T3 as well as modified T28 turbine housings rated at .64 and .86. My main concern would be high back pressure running the small .64 rear housings. I believe its wise to run .86 modified T2x / .63 T3x rears to maintain similar response, while picking up better torque with lower back pressure. My self is currently running a 2871 52T profiled sleeve bearing turbo in T3x .63 rear with OEM dump pattern. The driving ability is exactly same as the stock OP6 turbo with about 25% more power and torque through out all rev ranges. It does not have this strong "pull feel" as my previous 3586 or 3076 profiles in .82 rears did but far more responsive then any of them. I'll be seeing dr.drift for a tune tomorrow and see what it makes
  20. They needs to be machined all way round with 20thou clearance to turbine wheel. Pretty hard to get it 100% without the actual turbo.
  21. The 3076 .82 in 52T or the ATR43G2 .82 would be the ideal setup for easy boost control as well as solid mid and top range for RB25det. Will make 20psi around 4300RPM and max around 280rwkws. Cran: For a OP6 turbine housing we can supply for $250, including machinery work to suit your turbine wheel and return shipping. How ever you need to send the turbo back to get that done. Random_I_AM: We can supply braided oil feeding line for this model. All you need is oil feeding line. Stock water lines fits. ATR43 has OEM flange pattern engineered to suit factory setup. Its actually engineered in a way which can be made to suit any sort of dump pipe patterns.
  22. Well if oil line is kinked its very bad for the turbo, can starve the bearings. If the wastegate is shut tight with no intake restrictions then turbo side is fine. Any way like I mentioned, you are welcome to send it back to swap for a smaller housing when you want to. Just had the ATR43SS-2 installed. It was a very straight forward install I didn't had any issues with water lines or any thing in that sort. Its currently running on 14psi on my old tune with ATR43G4. Super responsive, full boost by 2800RPM, 2nd gear wheel spinning from 3800RPM all the way to red line. This is ideal for people who's after a fast responding street performance turbo with excellent driving ability. I will see dr.drift some times coming week to do a quick tune for max power, I'm expecting around 250rwkws. Compare to ATR43G4 it is heaps more responsive. How ever does not have that strong acceleration pulse after 4500RPM nor the top end power to keep wheels spinning on 3rd gear accleration. Not a drag racing turbo, but excellent for every day road use, and drifting.
  23. Hi Guys. I'm installing a ATR43SS-2 to my own car at moment. Will post few photos and dyno sheet shortly. I believe this would be a perfect combination of response, power and torque for every day road use. Blaikier: Depending on your oil feeding line. Its fine to use If it does not have a oil retractor valve. We can have the turbo build with identical thread size as your fitting lines, So every thing bolt on with no modifications. Daz: That is ATR43G3. Its in same spec as a 3076 56T in .82 turbine. Full boost at 4300RPM 4th Gear. Not the most responsive turbo in the ATR43 range but good for mid and top range power. Crane: The ATR28G4 .82 should definitely be more responsive then that. I'm not sure why its unexpected laggy on yours. If you want you can send it back for a .OP6 .63 rear housing at no charge, which normally kicks in full around 3800RPM.
  24. Just high flow your stock Neo turbo with a 2871 52T profile CHRA. Will get you full boost by 3200RPM, and max out at about 250rwkws. Plus every thing bolton no modifications required.
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