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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. Hi there. If you are looks to make around 230rwkws with excellent street driving ability I can high flow your stock turbo to same spec as a 2530.
  2. Here are few more Photos of Powered Up high flowed R33 turbo with 2IU turbine housing: Note the difference in volume of modifed turbine housing on the right:
  3. With the 76mm comp housing it should hit 300rwkws with flate 21psi. We can alter the stock turbine housings even bigger if need to. This one is currently running off a modified gt35 turbine, Thats about the biggest we can stick in there.
  4. Hi every one. I'm back. Here's the PU (powered up) high flow based on a R33 2IU turbo. Note how we've modified the stock turbine inlet to increase its air ratio. Its running a custom sleeve bearing 3576 CHRA. I believe it can possibly push out close to 300rwkws with external gate. (This high flow can be done with stock R33/4 turbo's comp housing) The cost to do this high flow is $1200, and its high recommended to run it with a high pressure actautor at $150 additional.
  5. LOWRB: Please post some photos man. Cheers. VARA turbine housings can be installed onto any type of CHRAs including Garrett BB once. The R33 turbine housing A/R increasement is apart of our powered up high flow. It cost $1270 to carry out including GST and braided oil feeding line. High pressure actuators are available for $150 for any one who needs to run more then 16psi of boost.
  6. Few new projects and updates for 2010: First of all few of you already know We've started developing VARA project in Mid dec 09. Which allows us to change your turbine A/R to what ever we need it to be. Means we can now high flow your stock R33 (yes your stock 2IU turbine housing not OP6) turbos to produce 270rwkws if need to. So we are no longer boxed by the flow limit with some smaller turbine housings. 2ndly as we all aware that smaller turbine housings gives us better response but not good up top. with our Variable Air Ratio (VARA A: actuator controlled) turbine housings. We can start off with a .42 A/R till 7psi and have it increased to 0.82 on 20psi refer to boost increase. Means you can have 300rwkws with stock alike response. This response is also adjustable with a bleed valve. This method has been used on few turbocharged Porches, we will be intergrating this into Nissans. 3rdly We will be building .60 compressor housings with stock size inlets and out lets. So people are no longer required to get any "Kits" as it bolton to your stock every thing. I will be posting photos once I get back on the 15th of Jan. Happy new year every one.
  7. Time to overhaul or high flow. Not suppose to have any shaft play with BB setup (+/- 10 thou).
  8. Send in your stock turbo for Powered up high flow. We can get you 270rwkws+ with your stock 2IU turbine housing with our VARA technology, which allows us to alter your turbine housing to what ever we need it to be.
  9. Its not normal. Remove actuator and check the load on it. It needs to be pre-loaded 3mms above the wastegate arm. Once done it should be back to normal. Also check air leaks and etc which also affects the turbo's responds.
  10. Should never restrict oil to a sleeve bearing T04E turbo. specially if its oil cooled. Without oil pressure and flow the bearings worns out in a lot faster rate. Smoking with no shaft play means the bearing housing is flooded with oil. Find out why it can't drain oil is the key to fix this problem. Unless the CHRA of the turbo is very poorly built.
  11. The greater oil flow the better for those. Check to make sure your oil drain is not kinked or blocked, And check the drain flange in case you sealed it with silicon.
  12. Here are two photos of your job. Turned a KKR480 to a sleeve bearing 3582 in .70 front with Anti surge slots and .69 rear. I'm pretty happy with way of how the angled slots we drill came out. My Camera wasn't very good. Please upload few photos when you get it. Cheers.
  13. Well, you must use braided oil line that is supplied. Do not use your stock oil line, It wont fit, and will starve the turbo. Braided line runs from the other round of the turbo to block. the drain pattern matches to your OEM pattern. We remove and fit in average 2 skyline turbos every week, this is 3 hours job which we only charge $200 to carry out or $250 onsite. I removed and fitted mine in my self, I'm not mechanically minded at all. Took me 5 hours, and most of time was spent on trying to get rusted bolts out of the manifold and dump. The metal water line to chassis side is pretty easy to get on, With the L shape one that is on engine side you need to force it backward to secure the hollow screw. Its a standard Garrett T3x bearing housing with M18 x 1.5 fittings on both side. We also use on all our high flows. Braided water lines are not required to fit it. Here I've attached a photo. Note the oil feeding port is directly above the screw pointed. Once rotated to this angle, It will line up with all fittings. Turbo Cran mentioned is a ATR28G4 in .82 T3 turbine housing. unfortunately back then they were sent out in T28 bolt up position. Current ATR43 Gxs have had the CHRAs rotated to photo above before sent out.
  14. You won't damage it. Just tighten all the bolts once its on there. you will be able to free spin the comp wheel once done correctly.
  15. LOWRB: We are still working on your comp housing. Should be finished Wednesday. We also make custom 2mm thickness high pressure brass washers for any one who has oil or water leaking issues at $2.5 each in any sizes you want. Video of making above taken inside our workshop:
  16. should get 270rwkws on 16psi with a 3076 .82 on a healthy engine.
  17. The older ATR28xx with T3 .63 turbine housings was like that as the CHRA was made to bolton to a CA18/SR20's manifold and fittings. This has been changed in later models for T3x customers. The ATR43's had the water line wholes drilled to M18x1.5m, with T3x Drain pattern, plus thread to suit braided oil line. It also has a customized turbine housings in .63 and .82 made to bolt up to stock 6x bolt dump pattern. This turbo will bolton to RB25's manifold, dump pipe, fittings. For Crans: Yes. Just loose up the bolts and turn the CHRA. Once done tight the bolts back the way it was. Then spin the turbo wheel it should spin freely.
  18. All the water llines and drain fits. The only thing that doesn't fit is the the feed which we supplied the oil line. If its not at your bolt up position just losen up the bolts and rotate the CHRA by few degrees. All fittings will go in with no modifications.
  19. Can high flow that to produce about 500HP. The cost for high flowing is $880. And $150 additional if you need the high pressure actuator. You need to send this in asap if you want to get it done before xmas.
  20. The engine originally had 5 cracked pistons through the ring lane area. So I replaced those pistons with a set of brand new OEM pistons and rings. I got them for $500 off some one who bought them and ended up forgies. The engine noise you heard earlier was gone straight after rebuild. My boost gauge has scale for of 20psi so I guess the tuner wasn't be able to read it if its above. So he said 21psi as the niddel stops there. It was running a ATR43G4 which is identical to a GT3582R in .82 rear. Well its worth spending $3500 to find out the actuator that works. All for science and my customers.
  21. If none of your cooler pipes popped. Then you probably have a snapped turbine wheel in your cat.
  22. HKS2530s that we did overhaul on, few of them needed to have comp wheel replaced. The only comp wheel in 60mm that fit perfectly into its comp housing profile was a 60mm ex with 48.3mm in wheel. Worked out to be 64.8 Trim matching Garrett T3 3D-1 Comp wheel. Except they only comes to suit 6.3 shaft which we had to sleeve it and re-drill them out in 6mm to suit the GTRS haft and have bottom of the comp wheel machined shorter to suit the T28BB bearing housing. We've made .64 T28 turbine housings made with T3x flange and OEM dump pattern made so that’s not a issue. RB20 is a smaller engine so turbo should be ok to hold 20psi with a 1.6KG actuator.
  23. Just quick note: Our last day this year is Tuesday 22nd of Dec and will come back on 15th of Jan 2010. I will get all of yours orders made and sent before we finishing off. It has been an amazing year, I like to thank you all for your support in 2009. Merry Xmas + Happy new year to you all.
  24. Well. It isn't that bad. because the actuator did hold 21psi. So this actuator can hold boost. It seems to be the EBC's solenoid failed for some reasons. It was holding 9psi, 12 psi, then the last run was on 15psi. It was all smooth then felt just like the boost line to actuator popped off. Boost went sky rocket. and Boom. Actuator is fine.
  25. The profile in 2530 is a GT2860RS with 60mm 65 Trim T3 D-1 comp wheel in .60 Comp housing and T3 .64 rear housing customized with R33's dump pipe pattern. This can be built in both sleeve or Ball bearing. We can also high flow this into your stock comp and turbine housing.
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