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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. Any way refer to the topic. Ball bearing turbos doesn't like dirty oil, doesn't really means that you oil's not dirty if you do your 3000KM oil service. the dirt (sand alike particals) can also forumed if your piston rings has too much blow by or if the owners before you used cheap oil or didn't service it on time. It is a very good idea to run a in line oil filter with ball bearing turbos on older engines. You can get them from Norden and Pirtek. They are generially $200.
  2. Just block and disconnect the actuator pipe so its shut all the time, and run external waste gate.
  3. It sickens me when some of you jerks spilling shit and beg other people's products. Most of the turbos are built and balanced right here by Garrett dealers, All of them are VSR Simulated here before their distribution. We are not China KKR so don't make comparison. Here are some drift footage powered by our turbochargers and you can find out lot more dyno footage on youtube. Also we will be at the drift fest competing next weekend, so come to see if for your self if you are in Melbourne.
  4. We can make all of our turbos in Water cooled at no cost if you want to. Doesn't make much difference to a steel wheeled journal bearing turbo of its size, but would keep it cooler. Its optional. Also All of our turbochargers can be ball bearinged at additional charge.
  5. Its Auto done up for drag.
  6. yes. TR44 it rated 50KWs higher, Bigger, also slight laggier. Here's a dyno read of TR44. the 1J made 240kws on 14PSI@2350RPM, and 276KWs on 16PSI@2400RPM with 50Nos.
  7. RB20, RB25, RB30 high powered high mount turbo kit: Turbo chargers rated from 280HP to 1000HP We also carry all Xforce performance exhaust for S13, S14, S15, R32, R33, Supra, Soarer, and many many more. Standard Cat back systems from $550, Turbo back including High flowed cat from $750. Stainless steel turbo back exhausts from $950 (don't worry about RRP on the photos) We also have 600x300x75mm Front mount intercooler kits for $600 installed or $330 pickup with 24 month warranty on parts and labor. Available for S13 CA, SR, S14, S15, R32, R33, R34. We also carry kits for 300ZX, EVO, WRX, and some other models. PM or call 0413457185 for more details. OSAKa race rims: 17inch $840, 18inch $980, 19inch $1120. Steering wheels at $110 each delivered AutoTechnica and Monza Gear Noobs, Auto Shifting sticks $40 delivered: Shoulder pad $30 for a pair delivered Aluminium Gage holders for $25 each delivered (comes in 2 and 3 inches) Carbon Fibra Gage holders for $40 Each delivered
  8. We just made 230kws on 14psi with a fully standard engine, Stock cams, Stock AFM, Stock injectors. Please PM me a copy of the dyno read out, I'm really ken to see it. For some reasons I believe the turbo that you dynoed was a TR44 or might be not one of our turbos. Also just want yous to see a comparison between a 440HP Ball Bearing turbo on a RB25det with a Our TR43 on a CA18det and TR43 on a RB25det 440HPBB RB25det turbo maxed out @ 240KWs with injectors, Max boost 25PSI @ 4798RPM TR43 CA18det 230KWs MAX (keep in mind this is a 1.8L 4cyc engine). Max bost 25PSI @ 4658 RPM TR43 RB25det 230KWs MAX Factory injectors leaned out @ 14PSI Power compare with RB25det TR43 vs RB25det 440HPBB RPM_______________3000_ 3500_ 4000_4500_5000_5500_6000_6400 TR43 Power(KW)______111__130__155__185__202__210__225__230 440HPBB Power(KW)___60___75__ 100__145__210__220__221__230 And as I repeat the TR43 RB25det fuel leaned out, and dynoed with only 14PSI. TR28kai 340HP vs 300HPBB turbo
  9. Well our turbochargers do require a running in peroid of 1000KMs. before that has been done it will appears to be laggish as the Journal bush needs to be worn in and the core needs to be libricated by oil. Lot of tunners dyno tune the car straight after the turbo's installation and obviously it will not give the best result. The power out put of the car also depends on the tunner.
  10. It fits your factory manifold but you will need to get a 5mm spacer made up plus modify it to suit external gate. So For the best result is to get the complete high mount kit.
  11. Well, for warranty side we follow the warranty and service guide from Garrett. Its called "Turbo and CAC Fundamentals". The warranty will be void: due to Liburication issues, foreign object damage issues and faulty workmanship. I have uploaded a copy at: http://www.digi-hardware.com/TurboCACFundamentals.zip Its a 96MB file which contains detailed information on turbo installation, trouble shooting and damage analyse. To install on a RB25 its best to get the TR43 full kit at $1550 including manifold, ext wastegate, Turbo, oil feed, and dump pipe.
  12. yes we offer 12 month warranty for all of our turbochargers.
  13. Thanks guys. Did the transmission slip when running 235kws? also if I replace the factory clutch plate (between fly wheel and auto trans) with a brass button one will that improve power handeling?
  14. For the TR43 standard on RB25det, turbo will respond from 2000 RPM and kick in full 20PSI at 4000RPM. This is a very responsive and torquey turbo that we recommended to drifters. The high flow will be around 300 RPM less in responds (2300 to 4500 RPM from 0 to 20PSI), It can hold upto 25PSI of boost, and will give you massive mid to top end power. Should be getting around 270ish with TR43 standard on RB25det and over 300KWs with TR43HiF turbo.
  15. Hi Guys Just wondering if any of you knows how many KWs the Factory R33's Auto box can handle. What can be done if my desired power range is over the factory thresh hold, and how much would it cost. Thanks guys.
  16. For RB20 we can supply you the full kit of: Tr43 440HP turbo (250kws wheels) high mount T3 manifold 38mm external wastegate braided oil feeds dump pipe bend and fittings total: $1550 Add $50 more we can high flow this turbo to 500HP (300kws wheels)
  17. here's a TR43 on 14psi making 250kws wheels on stock rb25 engine. And here's our sponsored R32 drifting with 190kws on 10PSI on TR43 at calder And here's Our Sponsored S13 CA18det drifting at Winton with 250kws on 16PSI running TR43HF turbo. Enjoy the show And please don't hesitate to pm/contact me if any information is required. Thank you all guys.
  18. We can ship the goods to any where in Australia. Shipping cost from $25. Please contact 0413457185 if further information is required. We also have 600x300x75mm Front mount intercooler kits for $600 installed or $330 pickup with 24 month warranty on parts and labor. Available for S13 CA, SR, S14, S15, R32, R33, R34. We also carry kits for 300ZX, EVO, WRX, and some other models. PM or call 0413457185 for more details. We also carry all Xforce performance exhaust for S13, S14, S15, R32, R33, Supra, Soarer, and many many more. Standard Cat back systems from $550, Turbo back including High flowed cat from $750. Stainless steel turbo back exhausts from $950 (don't worry about RRP on the photos) OSAKa race rims: 17inch $840, 18inch $980, 19inch $1120. Bodykits Available in follow style: R33: JUN, R400 and Msports. Full kits at $550. Or $250 a bar. Steering wheels at $110 each delivered AutoTechnica and Monza Gear Noobs, Auto Shifting sticks $40 delivered: Shoulder pad $30 for a pair delivered Aluminium Gage holders for $25 each delivered (comes in 2 and 3 inches) Carbon Fibra Gage holders for $40 Each delivered
  19. That would just be the nature of the Turbo/Engine/Mods/Tune combination I guess That RB25's running TR44. here's dyno sheet from a 440HP BB turbo on RB25 with cams Hitting 25PSI and drop to 22PSI @ 240KWs . compare it the graph with the CA graph which hit 24PSI drop to 19PSI @230KWs. For that CA you might want to speak to Dr.Drift as he was the tunner so he would know lot more about what he have done to the engine him self. That RB25 was tunned at Pro-Tek limpus are you In Vic? Just come and test drive the demo cars. I think that will solve lot of misunderstandings.
  20. That RB20 I don't know whats wrong with it. I think it had a restricted cat. But it seems like lot of people have dumped mega boost in to RB20 and get just over 200KWs mark. well let the dyno reading speak for it self on the rest. TR44 + RB25 TR43 + CA18: TR44 + CA18:
  21. HyperGear’s TR43 Gen II Turbocharger is now commercially released. This turbo charger is designed for any 1.8L+ Engine. It is ideal upgrade for CA18det, SR20det, RB20det and RB25det engine. It is capable of 350HP applications To fit this turbo you do need a High mount manifold for CA/SR ($200), Plus half meter of braided oil feed, And a 3inch elbow pipe for the V-band dump pipe flange. We can supply the fitting accessories for $130 with the turbo. It will fit onto RB’s Stock turbo manifold with heat shield modified. We can have this turbo fitted into your car from $500. Please visit our website at www.hypergear.com.au for more information about this turbocharger All of our turbochargers come with 12 month / 30,000KW exchange warranty. The Retail price for this turbo is $800 AUD including GST. You are welcome to pick it up from our workshop in Melbourne Brunswick or we can send it to any where in Australia for $50. We accept Cash, most of Credit cards (5% bank feed required), COD with deposit, and Money order. Please feel free contact us on 0413457185 / 03 90163965 or [email protected] for any additional information, SAU Members will receive $50 discount voucher for your ECU remap at Dr. Drift.
  22. Hi guys I got a standard GTR34: A42- 621B70 fuel pump Just wondering if any one got any specs of that pump and how's compare to a bosche 040. Thanks.
  23. HyperGear TR28 Turbocharger. This turbo charger is designed for CA18,SR20, or other 4CYC patrol or diesel engines. It is suitable for up to 200KW applications. This Turbo will fit on SR20/CA18 stock turbo manifold. You will need 50cm Braided oil line, and a 3inch dump pipe (dump pipe flange is supplied). This turbo comes with 10PSI actuator and exhaust flange. we can supply all the fitting accessories for $130. We can also have this turbo fitted into your car from $400. All of our turbochargers come with 12 month / 30,000KM exchange warranty. The Retail price for this turbo is $550 AUD including GST, SAU members will $50 ECU remap discount voucher at Dr. Drift. You are welcome to pick it up from our workshop in Melbourne Brunswick or we can send it to any where in Australia for $25. We accept Cash, most of Credit cards, COD with deposit, and Money order. We also have other high power out put turbocharger kits, and intercoolers kits available. For more information please visit our website at: www.digi-hardware.com Please contact or email us on 0413457815 / 03 90163965 or [email protected] for any additional information. PS. We fully understand some of your concerns in regarding to aftermarket turbochargers. Our turbochargers are carefully designed (by Garrett turbo researcher Korea), built and fully tested on road. There's 12 Month Exchange warranty covers all of our turbocharger products. We are also a Garrett authorized dealer, we can supply all Garrett turbocharger series as well.
  24. This ad features R32, R33, R34 intercooler kit @ $430. This package includes Aluminum piping, silicon joints, clamps and: 600x300x100mm intercooler Or You can purchase the piping kit on its own for $200 The 600x300x100mm cooler for $230 Pickup available from our workshop in Brunswick, Or its going to cost around $30 to most of places in Australia. Installation can be done from $250. Please call on 0413457185 or email to [email protected]
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