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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. Drifting video from Jason.F's R31 Wagon. This particular project has a very unique CBB turbo build on getting most reponsive 320rwkws out of none VVTI 1JZ. It has been a challenge dealing with back pressure and took a few try to get working.
  2. The seals in turbos steel C clips. They are not an liquid tight seals. Unless there are measurable back n forward play, those seals won't wear, and if its also not leaking when the engine is running its most likely to be alright. Most of turbo drain system relays on gravity. When crank case pressure is applied, oil will be forced out of both compressor and turbine seals. If there is an measurable back n forward play it would require an rebuild. Assume all it needs is an bearing kit, I will charge you $100 to carry out. The current SS2 is very different to what it was, it makes a lot more power without losing response, specially for externally gated application. But that will require a new build and I'm happy to look after you on the pricing.
  3. No differences works exactly the same. Need to make sure factory turbine housing is not cracked.
  4. Yes. Rebuild Using using a bush bearing core will cost u 700 or a Garrett bb core for 1050. Will require braided oil line and mico filter removed for either cores
  5. The the heavier stagea, the op6 is recommend over the 21U.
  6. Well, the exhaust Tee is bleeding with not as compressed air as what it is inside the exhaust manifold. So it needs to be alot bigger. There are many ways of doing it, the most popular I've seen was that window switch motor controlled valve on ebay. That doesn't work very well as the motor gets overheated by exhaust gas. Alternatively you can use an actuator to control the valve, which is very reliable, or just some good high tensile springs. Its a simple device, but that definitely shown an improvement. For this engine you can run one of our ATR45 in a 1.06 rear housing externally gated. On E85 fuel that will be plenty for 400rwkws Also vid sent in from Jason using one of our prototype ATR43 in his 1JZ, the goal was a responsive 300rwkws on Pump fuel with out VVTI. It is not an easy task as I originally predicted, project is still on going. Vid shown 320rwkws on E85 fuel @ 22psi
  7. Our high flowed T517Z. 507awkws @ 22psi E85 fuel internally gated, on a built RB26dett by Forged Performance in SA. Looking at stiffer actuators and run up to 30psi. Hopefully be seeing 600awkws.
  8. The best I've got was 287rwkws P98 fuel on 21psi. R34 GTT Neo engine. with Exhaust Tee and PWR cooler:
  9. 350rwkws on E85 fuel you can use our new ATR43G3SAT model. You will need a very big exhaust and a very free flow cooler to run ATR45SAT, that can get close to 350rwkws on P98 fuel.
  10. All my externally gated results are obtained through 50mm external gates.
  11. Should have done a run with exhaust dropped before the cat. This is important, the exhaust side restriction on this turbo can affect your boost level and afr by lot. Usually once a free flow system is installed, it will be creeping boost using your current EBC settings and make your AFR run lean. In your case I will be getting my self a wide band gauge and touch up the fuel on WTO after the dump pipe is checked with new exhaust installed. Also plug your boost gauge before the cooler and compare pressure differences to the graph.
  12. Check and dress the dump pipe flange first, then take it back for a dyno run with exhaust dropped before the cat and see if any differences are made. Also ask the tuner to tap his map sensor before the cooler and monitor the boost pressure before the intercooler.
  13. Whats the boost curve like?
  14. Can be done. The BB version cost $400 more then standard G3 high flow.
  15. I've had similar issue on my R33 years back and it went away after I've dressed up the dump flange. Photo shown a commonly used ebay item. Note where the overlay and reduction is, that is where the exhaust wheel sits. The Tomei dump pipes are much better engineered in that sense.
  16. Yes it is more responsive. and can be built in to an OP6 rear housing.
  17. Previous data shown boost curve is almost identical. but this one made more power. Using same car with identical mods: 21U G3 high flow: ATR43G3SAT CBB
  18. Will be around the 300rwkws region with supporting mods. Its going on the dyno this week. will post results after tuning.
  19. I will withdrawn the comment for now. It could be other causes, The bov is blowing air out, not sucking in. You can run water to it if you want to.
  20. Just works like a normal water cooled bb unit. Except it doesnt require water cooling. Made for cars with oil cooled only turbo setups.
  21. Further developments. This is a Ceramic ball bearing ATR43G3SAT turbo that no longer require water cooling. Video shown turbo shaft rotation on RB25det Neo motor with engine start and shut. Super responsive.
  22. I've been a trader on this forum for 7 years and been recommended by many for good reasons. We don't compete on this forum through bagging out other traders. For around 250rwkws application, high flow of factory turbocharger will do the job, it bolt up to factory spot, looks standard and that is more responsive then any of the GT30 or GT35 options. We have a big evaluation and discussion thread which covering different aspects of RB25det modifications as well as development in Rb turbochargers. Thread is indexed on page 1, and packed with member's results, feedbacks and options. http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/261613-hypergear-hiflow-service-continued/ We move a good number of Garrett turbos, and will be able to supply at a very competitive pricing. For any of the GTX range apart from GTX3071 is not recommended as a responsive option or to run internal gate with. You are welcome to give us a call or send in a PM for recommendations and latest pricing.
  23. Well, I dont sell injectors. They are what I've personally used when I had the same car four years ago Also try: https://www.injectorsonline.com.au/ I've bought few sets from there and have been trouble free. See if they've got any thing suitable.
  24. I thought they are re-branded SARD injectors. They were trouble free in my R33 for bit over a year before the 5x零 injectors went in. ATR43SATCBB internally gated for a RB25det cost $1650 to build, that includes braided oil line, high pressure actuator, and manifold spacer.
  25. Get 800cc power enterprise dropin injectors. Adaptronic plug in Ecu would make tuning alot easier. It supports 3 bar map sensor so no AFM ATR43SAT Ceramic Ball bearing Rb Bolton turbo. That makes 20psi by 3550RPM 4th, maxed at 424rwhp internally gated on P98 fuel. Ok, this is the important bit, or you won't make my power: 4 inches induction pipe PWR 600x300x81mm cooler 3.5 inches turbo back exhaust. a Good tune
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