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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. Thats about as good as they can get, I'm out of turbine housing for any better efficiency compressor.
  2. Yes can upgrade few things to make more power. I can't remember what configuration it might be in. Best email few photos first.
  3. Uploading some results posted from a NZ fan today. I think the NZ dyno HP determination equation is in DIN. Latest ATR43SS2 internally gated bolted to the factory manifold on S2 RB25DET. - Greddy knockoff plenum - 1000cc xspurt injectors - 80mm bar and plate intercooler - custom 3" piping - g4 plugin ecu Final numbers were 331kw @ 500nm at the wheels on 18psi boost on
  4. yes got few working prototypes that actually makes very noticeable differences. They are best working with VCT motors. I've tried them with RB26 engine, they wanted surge, as in there are too much air for the engine to swallow with low RPM. Result wasn't as good as when they were on my RB25. I think those systems needs to be individually developed on given engines.
  5. Since you have a R34 GTT with a Neo motor, probably good to go for ATR45SAT. That makes alot more power and 20psi by 4000RPM. I found its very drive able on my car. You are welcome to send it back to have it enlarged.
  6. Engine needs more air flow to generate more power, and on your setup the restriction is on the cold side. If I have limited coins to modify only one parts of it, I would leave the hot side setup, spend that money on a PWR front mount cooler, then run E85. If there are extra coins left, do the flapper front pipe mod.
  7. Depending on the turbo is working with. That reading is out of an ATR45SAT model. Yes it have made a big difference with exhaust ventilation, its almost as driving with no exhaust at WOT. On a Rb25det Neo motor the ATR45SAT's making 20psi by 4000RPM, check to see if VCT is active, preload the actuator by an extra 2mms and see if that makes any differences.
  8. There has been quite few upgrades to SS2 since your one was built. When sending the manifold to Havoc, send your turbo down in I will have a look to see what updates can be applied to the existing housings.
  9. R34 GTT RB25DET NEO unopened engine. - Adaptronic ECU - 1000CC ID injectors - Factory cams, cams gears, and all manifolds. - HyperGear Turbochargers ATR43SAT (Prototype 031215) Ball bearing, Internal gated RB25 bolton Turbocharger - Havoc Fabrication 3 inches turbo back exhaust with 2.5 inches bleeder valve. - Walbro 470L/H Fuel pump - 4 inches induction pipe - Split fire coil packs - PWR 600x300x81mm intercooler - Tuned by Trent Hewitson, Chequered Tuning. 317rwkws @ 21psi P98 fuel, 20psi @ 3550RPM:
  10. Put ATR45SAT on it when its going to Havoc, and max that out. I've remembering reading a discussion about few members whom are chasing my results. First of all Trent definitely does not deliberately tune a dangerous amount of timing to boost up results, he tunes it no different to any other cars. Turbocharger is nothing but a hot dryer without effective supporting mods, I will pin point few that have made a noticeable difference to my own car as some of you already seen. 1. At 3 inches metal induction pipe with a good pod filter Differences VS stock: 2.Good front mount intercooler: 3. Big exhaust or add an exhaust Tee:
  11. It could be the tires used. If its threading on the rollers it will under read. Does it feel stronger on road with the additional timing in?
  12. Its the same car. Both results are internally gated on P98 fuel: R34 GTT RB25DET NEO unopened engine. - Adaptronic​ ECU - 1000CC ID injectors - Factory cams, cams gears, and all manifolds. - HyperGear ATR43SS2 Internal gated RB25 bolton Turbocharger - JJR 3 inches turbo back exhaust with bleeder valve. - Walbro 470L/H Fuel pump - 4 inches induction pipe - Split fire coil packs - PWR 600x300x81mm intercooler - Tuned by Trent Hewitson​, Chequered Tuning​.
  13. You need to put a 600x300x100mm cooler on. Or adding the gate makes very little differences in power. Then add E85. This turbo maxed at 420rwkws on Hovac's C34 Stagea. This is an Duel ball bearing ATR43G3 SAT, Not the prettiest looking. But managed 317rwkws @ 21psi, full boost hit at 3550RPM. This is the most responsive turbocharger that I've ever built so far. Final result was 317rwkws @ 21psi P98 fuel. Almost reaching 20psi by 3500RPM, Currently at 3550RPM.
  14. Took a short video about our Internal wastegate assembly operation that is currently fitted to all ATR43xx turbochargers as well as some of the high flows:
  15. From the results I've posted earlier. the High boost reading is the boost pressure before the cooler. The lower boost reading shown boost level after cooler measured after the throttle body is the actual boost level.
  16. Measure boost pressure out of the turbocharger and boost pressure before the throttle body. That will give you an pressure accurate reading of pressure drop across the cooler kit If there is a tangible drop, then measure boost pressure drop out of the turbocharger and just after the cooler. The differences will be the pressure drop across the actual return flow piping. The greater amount of boost you run, the greater differences in pressure drop you should see.
  17. The intercooler pressure drop tests were all running P98 fuel. Some of yous will argue. Few of people might notice early developments with my GTR single, I've used various of turbos including, TD06, GTx3071 and 76 plus 82 equivalent. Always 24psi mid range and 17.5 up top, all netted up making 330awkws on E85 fuel regardless of wheel sizes. Its only when the OEM cooler was replaced to a 600x300x100mm item before I could get it holding 24psi and over 400awkws. They are my findings with different types and make of intercoolers, might or might not apply to other setups.
  18. With the current turbocharger you have. Run it with a .82 rear housing, should see pretty responsive 360rwkws mark. The next size up would be a GTX3582, or just fit a GTX3582 wheel to your current CHRA.
  19. JJR's Cooling pro return flow was the hottest out of all, which had to be cooled down after each dyno run, and it took quite while to cool down on front the the fan. And out of my readings, Trent was measuring the readings on the ecu that but I didn't record exact number. Takashi 600x300x61mm had the hottest discharge temp, while the Takashi 100mm, Blitz, and PWR were about the same.
  20. It looks like you are reaching 20psi by 120KM/H which is 4280RPM. This is a fairly large size turbo, can use BB CHRA which will get 100 RPM better in response, and having a 600x300x100mm FMIC can pickup some response also. Its making 20psi at 4000RPM on my R34. I'm working on a different turbine wheel at moment. I see if I can pickup the same amount of power with better response.
  21. No, I've made 290rwkws on an ATR45SAT SRFC model, that was engineered to max out my Blitz cooler kit. That one is available. 21U high flow was using an PWR cooler, you will likely be seeing that making 250rwkws region on a return flow kit.
  22. that car is running return flow cooler. He actually made within 1kw of my result when I did return flow evaluations. Drop exhaust and PWR cooler it should be sitting around 330rwkws mark.
  23. But if Blitz or JJR return flow cooler kit is purchased or a must have for road legal purposes, I did engineer a turbocharger for my self during time been, or whom ever in my shoe. http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/55845-rb25-turbo-upgrade-all-dyno-results/page-52#entry7503629
  24. Green Boost pressure before cooler, rest boost pressure aftercooler.
  25. The GT3071 version? probably similar On paper this is about the same as an SS1PU. stock manifolds, internally gated. P98 fuel
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