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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. The newer version has a larger 63mm turbine and a larger compressor inducer. It will make more power. With the ball bearing part, well it does not make a real lot of differences. Just prettier to look at when I flick it with my fingers.
  2. sr can be very different depending on cams. On this particular car yes. But either way they all made more power and way better response then the td05H 18g copy that was originally on there. Car was tuned on a roller dyno with proper configurations. it still runs off stock 2.5inches induction. I have a feeling it might be restrictive.
  3. This is an internally gated bolton upgrade turbo that sits on factory manifold, dump, and water lines. It is an very responsive turbo for around the 260rwkws mark on P98 fuel. Alternatively you can run the new SS2 which would be good enough for 300rwkws on pump 98 fuel.
  4. Its been welly argued before. My bias is currently on the manifold as it produced better results, of course unless results proven other wise.
  5. I can only drill out the wholes, which is just $100 to set it up and mill. I won't be able to do any welding work. Or you can see if Scotty can do it all together saving sending it back n forward.
  6. I have tested both methods and this method is most effective, or perhaps I might have missed some thing on other evaluations conducted earlier. Results are in later pages.
  7. You can external gate from stock manifold. Which I've tried and made a pretty decent gain. Details of this fabrication is at: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/261613-hypergear-hiflow-service-continued/page-458
  8. Ball bearing version of above SS2 turbocharger. Its now fitted into my KIA. Very tight engine bay. Hopefully making 220fwkws on unopened NA engine with stock auto. will update result once tuned. Just re-cap. Its a 2009 Kia sportage, factory G4GC 10:1 compression engine, Auto. Return flow cooler 650cc injectors Adaptronic E420D ecu HPVA 50mm external gate Brae Manifold 3inches turbo back exhaust. Currently pulling 200fwkws on E85 at 14psi.
  9. In Greddy's website. The only L2 based turbos are with 20G comps. part number is 11500205 and 11500200 All the 25Gs I've see is in the larger H turbine. 25G's compressor will way out flow a L2 turbine.
  10. Genuine Greddy don't have issues because their figured them all out. So their 25G TD06 comes with a TD06H turbine only, 25G and L2 turbine don't exist.
  11. It is a manual. Don't know about wheels spinning, this is a responsive turbo that reached 20psi by 3500rpms while tested on my car. The older versions has a boost tapper behavior up top maxing towards 260rwkws, I have had that fixed, also resulted in greater top end power. Pulse racing has sent in a feed back mentioning it is the best bolton turbo he ever had on dyno.
  12. Any dyno reading from that tune? The SS2 on Jared's car is the Black edition, with the latest compressor and larger turbine. It should be making power easier then the previous version. A result sent in from an SS1PU customer. This is the latest version also that has a different compressor that is engineered to hold boost better and more top end. It is running on E85 maxing out fuel pump. Peek of 301rwkws @ 17psi. With plenty of mid range. From customer's feed back letter: R34 GTT (Stock Motor) Supporting Mods Blitz FMIC Return Flow 1000cc Injectors Standard Airbox (Panel Filter) 3inch Bellmouth Full Exhaust Z32 AFM Walbro 255 Fuel Pump SS1PU (latest model) Scotty's Alloy Intake CALTEX E-Flex 301.8 Rwkw (18psi peak, drops off to 17psi holds well)
  13. Greddy only made 25G with the larger TD06H turbine. It is balanced flow wise. I have few friends use them on their GTRs track cars, and they have no problems. Greddy run them with their narrow shoulder collars as default also. The highest number I've seen based of a T67 at Trents was 375rwkws on E85, it was a daily and that turbo lasted 3 month. I have not seen one that replicated Simon's result. Not sure if it was based on a TD06H turbine, if so, it would be making alot more sense as his result appears to be much laggier too.
  14. TD06L2 turbine with 20G has no problems, the compressor and turbine flow is balanced. Never had one sent in either. That would work great on Rb20dets.
  15. Probably best get Jez's input about the dyno. Its on his and my facebook page (click on banner below). The owner did mention the car is very drive able. Not sure if this is a GTS-4, because the customer mentions AWKWs instead of RWKWs. Cool, Sam is a good tuner and knows what he's doing, please post result once tune is complete. Cheers.
  16. If it is oil related, the bush bearing would be worn before the thrust. The bushes are fine, there are no bearing take off on the shaft. This is caused by back pressure. The 25G's wheel size is about same size as the SS4 wheel that made 435rwkws, This compressor end should have no issues making 400rwkws+ on a larger turbine. I have another T67 sending in to be looked at next week, will post some more photos. if the customer's happy to pay for repair, I will replace the TD06L2 turbine with a SS4 turbine wheel. That will be good enough to sort out this back pressure issue and make the most of what the 25G compressor is capable of making.
  17. Its coming back for a trade of a bigger turbocharger. So still for sale. Any one interested let me know. $500 with 12 month warranty. SMS my self or call 0413457185 if interested.
  18. Here's a Rb25det Auto Skyline tuned by DVSJez yesterday based on a bolton version of an ATR43SS2. made 271rwkws @ 20psi with a very quite and restrictive exhaust. Still excellent result for Auto:
  19. I have original's GT3071's result from this car: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/261613-hypergear-hiflow-service-continued/page-457 Its not running VTC, so with VTC off those two has the same response. Based on same boost level the SS2 have made an extra 35kws.
  20. Just 650cc injectors at moment. We did few runs at 27psi. that made crazy mid range but not a lot more top end. So left it at 24psi.
  21. The compressor is maxed, and the turbine is just right for this compressor. Its is a perfectly matched turbo flow wise. I had a closer look, it reached 24psi by 4150, 20psi was at 4050RPMs. It is currently the most responsive turbo for any thing that made this sort of power internally gated on Trent's dyno. Car is now with VCT enabled. Can probably reach 340rwkws on E85.
  22. Further evaluation based on the ATR28SS2 Based on a s14 sr20det with bc stage 2 cams, int gate and 98 fuel I've kept the compressor and grinned down the trim of exhaust wheel radius, So now its the biggest exhaust wheel that can be fitted into a .64 turbine housing with the correct blade radius inside turbine housing. Car made a final of 308rwkws on pump 98 fuel, and 20psi made by 4000RPMs. This is an excellent turbo, managed to take timing and held boost pretty flat as internal gate. Doesn't chock the engine, no power tapering in upper rev, and drives very nicely on road. On paper it was identical in response to a GT3071 in T3 .63 turbine, make 30 extra kws, and direct bolt on.
  23. Probably an good idea to see what other cars are making using the same turbo at Jez's dyno. At this boost level is about at the point of which turbo will not be making any more power per additional psi of boost added. I usually see 400rwkws E85 on this turbo by this sort of boost level.
  24. Factory turbine A/R is .58. The rest of the information is all correct.
  25. Here is the power reading for today. Peek power of 297rwkws P98 fuel is only at 21psi of boost. How ever 20psi is by 4750 indicate some thing is not right. After having a closer look, it appears the small T2x turbine housings are not very good taking any thing bigger then a 56mm turbine. As there is no more materials left covering the exducer radius, which just made the inducer gap into the blade height. It worked identically to as if I'm using a huge turbine blade that has a inducer area of some thing of 20mms. That have explains why the GT3071 worked horribly in side a .64 T2x turbine compare to as if it is in a .63 T3x turbine. Large turbine end have made an very happy engine, taking boost and extra timing no worries. I'm going to make an customized T3x geometry turbine housing into a T2x print, and re-evaluate using the same chra. Photos will be posted as project progresses. Thinking of making a turbocharger out of this turbine wheel for my R33: Actually it was for an 1600HP marine engine.
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