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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. Means I do the engineering work, and supply the gate. You are doing the welding. Which is why I've been talking to you about making external gate running out of stock exhaust manifold, and I don't think there is more then $200 of welding involved. Well, if that is a GTX3582 then that is a tinny amount of power. I still want to see the dyno paper.
  2. I'm not in the business of doing welding related fabrication work, all arguments are purely technical referring to topic. I'm only in the process of finding the most cost effective way of creating the highest possible out put. And if my ideas have resulted in better output then it is far more effective then what had been done. I only believe what I see based on solid results. So if some one claims Rb25det factory exhaust manifold on a stock spec engine is capable of flowing 400rwkws+ on E85 then I don't believe it till I see it. VQ25 results does not count. The cold side has some to do with flow, The hot side has more to do with pressure. Assume the amount of volume that is in side the turbine housing does not change, then pressure at any point of exist remains constant, which is why the shape of the housing based on identical volume has no affect in velocity of pressure discharge, As result, by high flowing a T3x turbocharger out of a R34 Neo makes no difference to, as if the same turbocharger was inside a .63 turbine housing made by whom ever.
  3. Well, my claims are so far are supported by evaluation results. Cold side might be flow related, how ever the turbine end has every thing to do with pressure. I'm not going to get a 31kws gain from 5kws regardless of how smooth my screamer pipe is or how differently shaped of turbine housing might be, based on the same size. Beside exhaust manifold restrictions from RB has already been proved. Details of the evaluation on exhaust manifold is at: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/261613-hypergear-hiflow-service-continued/page-298 Its is obviously much cheaper using factory exhaust manifold, If people can make big power from it externally gated off turbine housing then no one would be bothered going for high mounts. And we would be seeing plenty of results supporting it. Scotty: If you are well to weld one for me free of charge, then I'll be happy to trail it and give you dyno feed backs. Johnny: Unfortunately I'm not be able to trail your exhaust housing as the dump pipe of mine won't line up to your current (already been cut). Since you've got an external gate this exercise isn't very costly.
  4. The manifold of a Rb25det could be significantly different to a M35 Stagea which should be more modernised. There is a 15 KWs gain just by swapping stock exhaust manifold to some thing properly made. The restriction on it is before the entry of the turbine housing, of where three collectors merges into one. By adding an additional collector at that point reduce excess heat, and pressure as what we can see in the change in upper power and torque curve. The overall gain of this modification have made a difference of 31kws, with a final result of 376rwkws that is some thing that no one have ever made using turbine housing mounted external gate setups on standard Rb25det exhaust manifold. This is also my first attempt, there are few things that could be done improving upper rev range torque. Scotty: it is probably worth while making a jig and properly fabricate stock RB exhaust manifold in similar manner to what I've done. With proper external gating setups, the factory exhaust manifold could be performing at same level as some of the popular aftermarket high mount setups.
  5. Rb25det Neo OP6 high flowed factory turbocharger 93 model R33 GTST Forgied CP pistons, valve springs Stock Cams 1200cc injectors 600x300x75mm Front mounted cool Stock exhaust manifold HPVA 50mm external gate Teed from factory exhaust manifold HPVA 18psi Internal gate actuator Xforce 3inch Cat back exhaust 100 Cell Cat Profect B electric boost controller 4inch intake pipe Adaptronic Plugin E85 Fuel Max Power externally gated from stock exhaust manifold: 376rwkws @ 24psi Max Power internally gated using stock exhaust manifold: 345rwkws @ 22psi
  6. Apart from the turbocharger and gate. I have: 450L/H Fuel pump 1200 cc injectors Adaptronic plug in ECU 3inch turbo back exhaust 600x300x75mm cooler kit My engine is forged with CP 1:9 pistons, Super tech valve springs and valve sets. Your stock engine is fine for up to 20psi mark which is about 350rwkws on paper. To build this turbocharger I will need a donor turbo from a R34 with a OP6 rear housing. Back to the high flowing topic. The current profiled OP6 turbocharger should be pretty close reaching 300rwkws on a internally gated setup with pump 98 Fuel. And good enough for 350rwkws working with a proper high mount externally gated setup running E85.
  7. Ok. Some feed backs with results: OP6 Standard high flow profile. + Stock exhaust manifold Internal and externally gated result with wastegate fitted to factory exhaust manifold: Gain of 25kws based on same boost level. ATR43SS2 stock exhaust manifold, internal and external gate. With external gate fitted on rear housing: Solid red = internal gate Dotted red = external gate Overall gain of 5kws. So in summary based on using factory exhaust manifold. The gain over internal gate by fitting external gate on factory exhaust manifold in this case is: 7.24% While the gain over internal gate by fitting external gate on turbine housing is: 1.5% In conclusion. If you are considering fitting an external gate to a factory setup, Then fit it to stock exhaust manifold.
  8. I'm using a 3 inch metal induction pipe that is clamped onto the factory air box. OP6 high flowed turbocharger. Standard turbo profile: Here are all the results labeled: I was unable to run any more boost beyond 22psi with internal gate. How ever had no issues doing 24psi external. Power wise compare internal v external was 25kws. note the back to back run on 19psi. I'm very confident that this high flowed turbocharger will do 385rwkws on the Brae high mount manifold externally gated. Even tho this is a remarkable gain from modifying a factory exhaust manifold. How ever, running the same turbocharger with a proper high mount will gain bit more power and much better top end torque. The gain over internal gate by fitting external gate on factory exhaust manifold in this case is: 7.24% While the gain over internal gate by fitting external gate on turbine housing is: 1.5% Reference of Internal gate V external gate on turbine housing: Solid red = internal gate Dotted red = external gate off turbine housing And if any one wants their manifold to be done. The cost for doing so is $300 and our 50mm HPVA gates are $350 in additional.
  9. ^^ Standard high flow will be fine. ^^^ Trailed the new OP6 R34 high flow profile today. With factory manifold + external gate assembly above, it maxed at 376rwkws on 24psi. That is very decent amount of power considering a $850 high flow service, $350 gate and couple of hours of marking around. I guess no real need of a high mount kit any more. I've also done a back to back test of having the same turbocharger running on both internal and external. Above external gate setup have made an extra 21rwkws with more torque based on the same boost. Uploading videos now, Will post up results when I get a working scanner tomorrow. And Happy new year every one.
  10. I have the same fuel pump. It needs an extra earth to work properly. Connect it to the factory + / - wiring inside the fuel tank Out side thank, Tee an earth wire into the factory earth wiring that is connected to the fuel pump. It will then work fine.
  11. No, it can never have too much oil that forces out of your rear seal from your RB25det pump. Because the tolerances between the bearings, bearing housing bore and shaft, limits the amount of oil flow. If the turbocharger is flooded as in if there is a oil drain problem in which stops the oil from getting out, both compressor and turbine end seal would be leaking oil (unless it is and you've only noticed the smoking end). In your case, because the compressor side has a collar that spins that throws away excess oil directed towards it, so the compressor end is dry. Means the bearing housing is not flooding there for you don't have a oil drain issue. If there isn't enough oil and oil pressure going to the bearings which I definitely know the Stock oil feeding line and benjos don't. Then the shaft has no centripetal support, the rear end (heavy end) would be vibrating it self in an orbit starting with chewing out rear seal splattering oil. ^^^ Above opinion is only suited for a proper Holset turbo, if what ever installed is a knock off copy then the matter could be at a newer level of complication.
  12. You will need a oil restriction free feeding line for this turbo. Factory oil line has a oil restrictor in it, might have damaged the bearings already. Get a proper dash 4 hose with speed flow connectors for the feed. Make sure the oil drain pipe is not capable of storing any engine oil any where. Make sure engine breather can breath freely (photo have shown that it is), crank case pressure can also cause oil flooding issues to the turbocharger. If above don't help then this turbocharger do needs to be looked at.
  13. The problem mentioned is not very related to a ECU, Such as the back firing, the down revving under throttle and etc. Those are more related to the differences in the volume of air that the engine had to what the AFM might have sensed. If aftermarket ecu is on the list, I recommend Adaptronic Plug in R33 ECUs. Plenty of functions and cheaper then most of other options around.
  14. Get some forged pistons and valve springs then build it properly. Plus they aren't that expansive to buy. RB25dets really pays for doing them properly.
  15. GTX3071 is different, that is equivalent to a 3076 turbo. Which will make more power. Here is some photo of the 3071 that came out of mine: ^^ Definitely the proper GT3071. I've done few extra drawings for a couple of different compressor and turbine wheels. Will be getting them made after the new year holidays.
  16. Pre-load the actuator rod first and see if that makes any changes before switching boost controllers. I'm currently using a Prefect B EBC and seems to be fine at current stage.
  17. Mainly its out of the same jig as mine and it worked ok on my car. Can be modified with no problems. Water is in m18x1.5 Oil is in m10x1.25 Do NOT use oil restrictor on the normal versions of the ss turbos. Merry xmas every one.
  18. No this is a full 60mm 10 blade GT30 turbine wheel. Not the 56mm cropped 9 blade version you have in mind. That was the first thing I looked at when I pulled this turbocharger out. And that was all it could do on this S14, which as I've mentioned about the variances between SRs . I will use its power curve as a base line to compare with.
  19. The turbocharger on it was an proper GT3071 as what some members are using in a R33 skyline. Except a Garrett .64 T2x turbine housing was machined to suit it. The ATR28SS in only with a 64mm compressor, except the blade radius is lot more then whats the Garrett 71mm compressor wheel has, so the total inlet area between the two wheels probably works out quite similar. Comparing the result: 3500RPM: 65kws v 80kws, 4000RPM: 120kws V 170kws, 41000RPM: 125kws V 180kws Similar to boost level: 3500RPM: 6psi v 8.5psi 4000RPM: 12.9psi v 18psi 4100RPM: 21psi V 15psi It is very different to drive. GTScott: The SS1PU is a larger turbocharger with 73mm compressor. I had a feeling that this turbocharger is abit too big on the compressor end, so the 68mm compressor was developed to match this turbine flow. How ever the theory in designing turbocharger for SR is allowing better exhaust side flow, which is also the reason I really liked to see what a small turbocharger could do on a SR with a large turbine and a huge internal gate. I think the RB25det version of the SS1PU in .86 turbine should be able to crack some where around the 280rwkws mark on my S14. hy_rpm: I'm quite a SR noob, please advises of what I need to buy that enables VCT function, and I will be trail few of the other things that I've suggested. Thanks in advance. Adaptronic S14 Plug in ecu is going in for next tune, which I've been told is more tuneable with few extra features. For details I will speak to Trent about it after the 9th.
  20. First result with the S14 test car. Using my new ATR28SS1 turbocharger internally gated as a bolton unit. Using pump 98 fuel it maxed at 258rwkws @ 20psi: Far as I know this car has Stage 2 BC cams, and the VCT controlling unit has been taken out, as those cams probably don't have VCT support. It is a shame as it would have made a very big difference in response. This is the interesting part. Vs the GT3071 in .64 Rear. The SS1 has better response, made more power, with more torque: This result would be for a rough reference. I can not conclude that this result can be archived using other SR20dets unless the modifications done are identical to mine. There are too many variances with SR20det builds, which can affect engine output significantly.
  21. Dyno tune for that is booked in on the 6th of Jan. So results will be published then.
  22. I just used bolts from Super cheap auto. They are the hex bolts on the stands, I just cut off the hex head. The stock thread is in M10x1.5. One newer turbocharger for SR20det is the ATR28SS15. This one has the exact layout the SS1PU except with blade diameter reduced to 68mm. My prediction would be close to 250rwkws on pump 98 fuel, except there are many variances with SR20dets. It is also made to work with a .86 rear housing in combination with a large 38mm internal gate. In which the turbine side shouldn't be chocking the engine in upper revs. This is a SS2 turbocharger that is made to run on externally gated off exhaust housing (modified by M35 Scotty) with a 3 inches Vband rear assembly:
  23. Yes the SS1 is smaller then the SS1PU. I'm finding that the diesel turbocharger configuration worked better for SR20s as in keeping the chra size down for response while using a large size turbine end for mid-top range torque. How ever have to see what the dyno says once its been tuned. Another some thing interesting to look at is my modified exhaust manifold with external gate. Yes did run into few issues with the actual gate running into the fire wall which is all yet sorted.: Positioned the gate away from things could be burnt as possible. We should be able to compare results based on using both internal and external gates. Plus I remembered that about year and half ago I've done few dyno runs with exhaust housing mounted external gates, which we can use results from to calculate a percentage difference between manifold and turbine housing mounted external gate setups.
  24. I also run a 100 cell no brand cat. So far so good. If you do get defected, just buy a stock cat and cat back exhaust. I don't think any thing else passes.
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