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Everything posted by hypergear

  1. BOV is not designed to open unless there is a presence of surge pressure. Assume there is: Firstly check and make sure the vacuum source to the BOV is after the throttle body. If it is, then adjust the valve pressure generally controlled by a spring, like Peter said above. Occasionally on a brand new BOV the thick oil sprayed onto the valve stiffens causing it to seize, use a wood stick genitally press in the valve and let it bounces back few times till unstuck or spray some WD40.
  2. I'm interested for some data supporting the effects from the Type B .82 rear housing working with a existing Type A .82 setup on stock manifold. My expectation would be no lose in top end power with 400RPMs gain in response, totally different drivability. This apply to All ATR43/PU high flow's .82 Rear housing including Type A FNT and older None FNT versions.
  3. When the turbine wheels snaps the turbine pretty much stops spinning. and you will no longer get the turbo suction noise either. Pretty common issue for skylines. If you run high flowed turbo with stock boost it will be fine. how ever recommend to upgrade cooler exhaust and get a ecu remap to get the full potential from the high flow. But having said that check to see if any cooler pipe's popped or any thing happened in that manner first.
  4. Made pretty much no differences for the power level I've run it at. All new ones made this year are fitted with the cut out flange. How ever you are welcome to send back the adaptor to get it machined out to the current spec at no cost. Put it back on the dyno and see if that makes any differences.
  5. There is absolutely no more area that could be taken out. its been CNC mill out according to factory gasket. The corners of where the gaskets goes over has been tapered out and rounded off. Its been give out as much clearance as it possibly can be inside the Nissan 6 bolt fange. The adapter flange is pretty free flow, made no differences on dyno. The oil must've been dropped on as every where else are completely dry unless its been sitting upright for some time.
  6. It is discharged air After the turbine housing coming out from the turbine wheel, not feeding air into the turbine wheel. it would only be a problem only if it is for reverse, discharged air will follow where ever pressure allowed to escape, and I've taken all areas I can remove suiting the stock dump pipe as you can see from the gasket print. Below is a rough drawing of the adapter flange, clearance has been created on the far left in compensation to the far right. I've tested this dump flange vs 3.5 inch V-band flange and there is no difference (Nissan flange made 4kws more power. could be variance from day temp or dyno) I'm also running the exact same dump flange on mine, the power is at expected level of where the comp is getting maxed out. I've had no problem. How ever there is a timing difference between stock exhaust manifold and aftermarket exhaust manifold that I'm currently using on the G3. which is the reasons of a huge gain after installing an large external gate on top of the factory manifold. You will find factory manifold does not match to the ports on the head. Abe2 has port matched and grinned the inner of his own stock exhaust manifold, it apparently made 20kws gain, hence the 358rwkws final result.
  7. The G2.5 in .82 should be fine. The turbo is $950 The Nissan dump pattern adaptor for stock dump pipe cost $250 Oil line: $80 I can have the internal gate welded up, there is no additional charge.
  8. Yes the G2.5 can run on SS1PU's billet comp wheel for a responsive outcome while maxing out around the 280rwkws mark. Since the SS1PU's compressor can not max out type B .82 turbine housing I recommend either the original SS1PU or the G2.5 with the modified .63 (.67) rear for more dynamic power delivery. Billet wheels cost $200 additional on top.
  9. I can modify all G3's type .82 A housings to .82 B housings for better response for $30. I dealt it will affect much the top end of 280rwkws which is most of what people are getting out of those on 18psi of boost. All bolton version G3 and PU high flows made recently are running on Type B rear housing.
  10. It seems like people only get excited with it comes to high No. There are 3x different types of FNT rear housings developed for the G3 which produce better response based on trade off from the top end. How ever max of 290rwkws is where the stock exhaust manifold maxes out. So I will choice type B .82 as default from now on. The G2.5 was also trailed with the same rear housing. Same G3 core. Original .82 FNT rear housing: .82 Turbine housing .82 with alternative FNT arrangement: G3 rear housing 2. This is running a modified FNT .63 rear housing (I think its around .67 after the modifications):
  11. Or you can just get him to run a high mount manifold with a 50mm gate. that will unlock another 50kws from it. It would also like the taste of some sweet E85 fuel and couple psi of extra boost. using E85, high mount and external gate. That turbo will be able to make 350rwkws+.
  12. The E85 and Pump 98 made no difference in response. was getting the exact same response on both fuel, or maybe Trent didn't have enough time to modify sittings down low as we've tuned 98 prior E85, it was about 1AM yesterday when we've finished. There is still abit of work left in the ECU. On road its mental to drive. it would wheel spin hard (not a the little wheel spin that makes a sound) at 3rd gear (so's every other gears except 4th). Its pretty dangerous to drag off the lights as I can't get the car running straight. I've only full throttled it once in 4th full throttle, didn't span out but its the feeling that I would not take my eye off the road even for a blink. Its pretty responsive for the power range for every day with very solid power band.
  13. The internally gated Rb25det bolton version $1330 inc GST and oil line, and external gated version is $1080 inc GST and oil line. The current E turbo runs on 44V that makes around 40,000RPMs. I'm in the process of getting a higher KV ed motor and some larger comp wheels. I think the current prototype is plenty for a little 4 cyc engine.
  14. The G2.5 has stepped down compressor trim from 58 to 56 and stepped down compressor from .70 to .60. Still in a .82 rear housing. This turbo has pretty good down low torque with excellent top. Don't forget this turbo is still internally gated. run external would easily gain an extra 20kws. Performance was consistently around 285rwkws at 18psi on pump 98, realistically there isn't much of a point engineering a bolton turbo that goes up to 330rwkws while 290rwkws is all stock exhaust manifold can pump out internally gated (also did you know cyc No. 1 and 6 on the OEM manifold does not line up to the engine head? boggie Nissans trying to cut budget from recall, Abe managed better result port matched) I run the Echarger on my little Sirion with 1L 3cyc engine and it blew cyc No. 2 as soon as it comes to full power in 3rd gear. 2.1PSI from a 6cyc 2.5L would be about 5psi on a 1L 3 cyc engine. I think they all needs to be dyno tuned and checked before hitting the road. The shaft speed is fully controllable with a speed controller. How ever E85 is seriously fun. Based on a solid 98 performer, making power out of it is a walk in the park. I keen to see what the G3 can do on E85, might be reaching 380rwkws internally gated.
  15. 93 model R33 GTST Forgied CP pistons, valve springs and stock every thing else. 800cc injectors 600x300x75mm Front mounted cooler Xforce 3inch turbo back exhaust Profect B electric boost controller ATR43G2.5 .82 rear / .60 comp. 14psi actuator, internally gated. 4inch intake pipe Adaptronic Plugin Greedy EBC Pump 98 fuel. Car maxed 296rwkws on 20psi of boost E70 Fuel, Car maxed at 350rwkws on 20psi of boost Also I add this since its forced induction. That is the electric turbocharger that we've been working on in the past couple of month. Its a small gain but a pretty big step forward. The charger made a peak of 2.1psi of instant boost, and a difference of 20HP with 44Nm of torque. It is powered with two small Lipo batteries that weighted 1.5KGs. Red is turbo on and Greent is NA Video:
  16. Update some results from the ATR43G2.5 internally gated. This little turbo has pretty much all the big features from the original G3, It is 30kws short, with 300RPMs better response. It makes just under 300rwkws @ 20psi on pump 98 and 350rwkws @ 20psi on E70. All runs are done internally gated using a soft 14psi actuator and EBC. The Lever mod works perfect on a .82 rear housing. We've also trailed the Electric turbocharger, and surprisingly it made 2.1psi of boost, made a difference of 20HP and 44Mn of torque.
  17. We've compared that too, The difference on road could definitely be felt, which is why I choice the current configuration for the SS1PU. Or it could be going to a .63 rear housing with the G2's turbine wheel. The dyno doesn't show the power delivery. Plus I believe there are lot more left in that SS1PU with the arm extender holding 20psi. Some one must've coughed into their shipping box when sending in their turbo. Felts like I'm in the early stages of the cold. On the positive side, I've made a miniature version of the G3, you can call it G2.5. Its smaller, with better response, and made to produce a top of 300rwkws. Testing that on Friday.
  18. The turbo it self is bit on the small side as it was only made to do a maximum of 250rwkws with factory response, and it was more responsive then a stock turbo. During that time the FNT housings and billet wheels wasn't developed. Since he's got forged engine, so its no differ to mine, it doesn't hurt to go bigger and bigger is more consistent with power and boost control.
  19. No the average of 250rwkws was taken from 3x different cars. they all run up to about 17.5PSI top end, they were 253, 247 and 245. The final afr is all about 12. The best run of 260rwkws was on 23psi. I couldn't figure out why its not holding boost on his car. I guess its better to exchange for a SS1PU or G2 a G3 which results are well proven by many people. Or I can exchange with some thing that comes straight out of my car like the G2 I've done for your self and we ended up with same power.
  20. This is a SS1 none PU version. It maxes around 250rwkws with same response as a factory turbo, it never worked on this stegea. So I'm happy to have it upgraded to other series at no additional cost.
  21. I run then for about 15mints and they are 85% depleted. If you run them off 2x 24V car batteries they should last for couple of hours in theory.
  22. If that is the case, you can send the turbo back and swap for some thing bigger, I won't charge you for the upgrade.
  23. This Eturbo was originally thought to be a bolton "turbo" upgrade that can produce about 5psi of boost on a 2L or smaller NA car. In practice it is rather difficult, but developments are still been made. Realistically the E turbo on a compound will unlikely to work unless it is a low boost application as the motor speed can not go beyond 40,000RPMs so's the bearing that is securing the shaft. I'm still waiting to trail the new G3 version in both in and external gate on the 11th.
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