sorry mate I don't think I understand what your trying to say.. do you?
The person who buys my car will be very well informed of what I've used it for, in fact I would reccomend they check out SAU to get the feed back from people who know me and how I treat the car. I have yet to place a single add outside SAU, because I rather like the idea of people being able to gather info on my cars history to make an informed decision.
You might be interested to know that my car is quicker than most because the engine is in great condition as are all the mechanicals, and I keep it that way. I take a degree of pride in maintaining my car,and unlike some people I know what I'm doing.
As for your NOS questions....
"fit the jets" one nitrous jet (0.051 inches) and one fuel jet (0.034 inches) makes for the correct 100HP mixture.
Upping the jets actually makes more heat in the engine due to the large increase in horspower. Though the nitrous gas does cool the intake air.
NOS is dangerous and so is petrol. I recomend morons stay away from both.
I only get automotive grade NOS which contains a sulfur compound that 'stinks' and lets you know you have a leak. The bottle is stored in a ventilated and sealed boot and the intention is not to even have it present when I drive on the street.