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Everything posted by rev210

  1. Also people who put neons on skylines, who aren't scifi fans imagining they are in a spaceship.......... thats a legitimate condition. (in the gym or anywhere)
  2. my secret ......... www.realultimatepower.net
  3. been a very long time since I went to a gym however , being told by bodybuilder types and PT's that I was going to hurt myself when I was doing heavy leg stuff - machine work (leg press/hack/ donkey) or freeweight squats . Some safisfaction in making them feel inadequate as they watched but, usually it meant I was doing a few extra reps to rub it in and that would throw out my routine. People who are shouting when doing isolation work like bro-cep curling.
  4. I have a vid of 22 from last night as well.
  5. At the moment flexibillity and strength in the legs. I have let them go for a long time. I think a squat challenge would be hard for me . Running I haven't done for a long time. I think my fitness isn't great either. Things I should work on.
  6. Personal goal , I am thinking 30 or so before the end of the comp for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Bw5A035YM
  7. good work and well done to those posting vids up. I just had a go again , after consuming 1x little creatures IPA + 6x sleeping giant IPA's ha ha.... got 20 reps. Will post the vid later ( no... not the beer drinking....)
  8. Nah , rounded up is fine. I don't think it will matter too much. I'd rather drop body weight to 90kg and be done with it ha ha... shoulders are solid. I have put work into them and my back. Not enough for me to go chasing 1rm just yet but, enough for this. I did some 105kg strict presses a few weeks back so benching below that weight should be alright.
  9. Just typical ,only a few hours after doing this and I am fricken sore, safe to say this was too much too soon doh!
  10. dropping weight still , down to 93.6kg. Just the bench press challenge today. 25 x 60kg warm up 17 x 95kg 38x consecutive dips. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3NT8-3xlHM&feature=player_embedded
  11. just did this for 95kg (rounded up from my present body weight of 93.6kg) Got 17 reps out, which I was rather pleasantly shocked by. Pretty sure I have a few more there but, I am expecting to have lots of soreness from being very rusty. 20 might be in reach after all. The missus home gym bench is pretty crap, it felt like it was going to give in/break . Very wobbly (you can see in the vid) and it's fairly high off the deck. It must only be rated to 100kg or something. There won't be any 1rm attempts on this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3NT8-3xlHM
  12. I said 50 would be amazing, didn't say it would be winning number tho' lol unless Agne buys a skyline in the next 2 weeks... 20 is great.. I would be stoked to get to 20.
  13. have a crack at the next challenge. This one will form an on-going development thread once it's over,so you can give it a go once you are fixed up.
  14. 47 is awesome.
  15. I haven't done bench press in years so this is an enouragement to get back into it. I doubt I am going to be at the top of the leaderboard for this in 4 weeks but, I am keen to improve.
  16. hey Birds how about no pausing / fluid movement? I reckon without that it will become a pause fest. Pausing in lock out or at the bottom with a relatively light weight will up the reps a fair whack.
  17. sounds good. 30 is probably a good number. Doing 50 would be awesome.
  18. No award but, well done .The efforts you made are their own reward. All of them will help you get to the strict 20 mark.
  19. Not to worry . When the shoulder is well you can do them again. Hopefully the experience for people doing some strict pullps will encourage them to reach and exceed 20 (we will have a thread for this combining weighted ones). It's a good benchmark for balanced strength, like most compound movements.
  20. great job 10 4 . Birds and SRS13 are both the joint winners at 13 reps. I award Birds the decision for what the next challenge will be , based on him posting the first video of 13. Birds over to you....
  21. 10 4 , the video you put in youtube is marked private so no one can view it.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTgHLFbr4cA
  23. Really? I don't think it's the time frame being too long, so much as there are only going to be a certain number of people participating. I think less people will participate ,with less than a week. I quite liked the deadlift one going for a month, I don't think I would have put in the effort to improve otherwise. I think the buy in for something like bench press is going to be more popular. TTT's idea is good except I think each one should start from the rolling challenges we are doing. We have a deadlift 1.5x and a dead hang pullup. Could have a thread for each now. As winners pick new ones then they become a place for people to post progress? For the Competitive crowd maybe a leaderboard can be in there.
  24. People got one day left to step up. Are we going to see a rush of vids tomorrow? Remember your form. Post early so you have a chance to re-do if needed. Who will decide the next challenge?
  25. What's a decent size? based on your stats' 6ft, currently 86kg cheap digital scales say 14% BF. That's 14% bf. so not 'fat-ceps' . You lose fat on the arms before the gut typically, so at 12- 14% I'd expect you to have a fair bit of definition, you would have a clearly definate horseshoe tricep (even if small). Then 15+ inch arms will look big to the punters. Having big defined arms is different to having big fatceps. Plenty of fat dudes sporting 21+ inch arms. You can build big arms through compound movements and avoid issues that arise from grip strength and fore-arm imbalances. I am guessing I am more than 14% BF , can see most of my abbs (not the lower thanks to pudding doh!) and my intercostals. Arms stretched out you can see the sepparation in the two muscles in the biceps, horseshoe etc. My Arms are 18 inches give or take (. Not built by bro curls or isolation stuff. If you like the isolation movements then you can keep them but, drop the weight and instead focus on squeezing the life out of the contraction on the movements at the top. Focus on crushing the bar handle as you do the rep. If possible use thick bars if available or wrap the bar with a cloth to increase the bar thickness. This wll develop your forearm and grip strength, which will help avoid the tendonitis the bro-curling kickbackers get all the time.
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