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Everything posted by rev210

  1. front squats are great , quads get more focus. Not hard on the wrists actually . You can either cross the arms over or hold the bar as pictured but the bar balances on the upper chest and delts as a platform, so the hands are really just for balance (not strained).
  2. Here are some that won't mess up your normal routines and will do wonders, injury or not. This is rehab stuff assuming we take it easy. Once there is improvement you can add something resistance wise , like cuban press. You can youtube search these ones, to make it easy. Total shoulder girdle health . Do these 3 times a week. Can do them at home in some cases. 1) Serratus Anterior (Activation movements) are in here for you which should help. This sucker stabilses the scapular movement, a) Scapular pushups. Just a pushup with you extending and retracting the shoulder blades. The movement is shallow( no where near the ground , motion is small) .The arms straight. Do 3 sets of 20-25 b) Single dumbel scapular protraction. Lay on a bench. Fairly light weight dumbell in one hand straight up. Straight arm. As above move the dumbel up and down with the scapular motion. 20-25 reps as above. c) Scapular wall slides. d) Prone Cobras held for time. e) External rotator bands f) Shoulder dislocates with band or a stick ( can use a barbell if you are strong). Try these ones for a month.
  3. Sure . I will ping some info up later for you. You can do the press seated , great idea. In front of the head is good for the pressing movement . Find a seat with a slight recline on the back support to make it straight forward.
  4. Do you want some rehab movements? Can help there if you like. Ask Birds to give you an alternative shoulder movement, seated. At least that way you can train full ROM.
  5. Shoulder wise, if you have inpingement , then it's not going to be better doing bench or shoulder press. If you don't then all good but, be aware that rehab work is important. I don't see the rehab in your workout? Perhaps you are doing it but, not writing it down. Good to hear about technique. I assume you are now doing seated press in font as opposed to standing behind the neck?
  6. Good realisation there . cracks in the old brick wall are happening.
  7. Life gets interesting when you have to plan / adapt & lift. You have less time and energy to waste on negative thoughts.
  8. Your Doubt like is adding 40kg to the bar. drop some doubt , add some weight.
  9. sorry meant 116kg. Yes do 30. Timing for rest ,numbers in each set is up to you. Do not get off the bench for rest. Attempt to complete as quick as you think you can. see how long that is.
  10. Be ready ,you are going for a set of 10x at 118kg and the total volume of 30 this time. You determine how many sets and reps. But, do not leave the bench. till you have done it
  11. great efforts Leesh. You should be able to focus on the squat technique without those things, at the rep range you are doing. You still have a shoulder issue? Are you still doing behind the head standing press?
  12. Leg press is the worst. They should just make one with some sort of quick change pin setup and have a decent amount of weight on it. I used to load 36 20kg plates on and off , at least that gym had plenty of plates and didn't care.
  13. My 2c. The seated version has advantages in terms of control/ isolation. Good if you are keen to work the shoulders for growth development and don't want to think too hard. Not so hard. However, Standing press adds extra in terms of developing balance, core and suporting strength and requiring it. People have no business really doing it without the following; * proper thorasic spine extension . Can you extend properly? (wall slide tests on youtube) * Scapular stablillity? (shoulder flexion test check it ) * Do you know how to brace your core People don't learn to brace their core. This is an explanation might not be a good one. Take a big breath of air into your belly and lock it there. Your rib cage needs to be locked by contracting your abs. Tighten/contract glutes Raise up shoulders/ elbows to create a lat shelf , contract lats. If you were taught by someone without covering these basics , then you were taught wrong. Thats before I'd explain the press. Behind the neck press standing, is a characteristic of not having much clue with what I have seen in the past at gyms. Let alone picking the weight up off the dirt to do the movement. I won't say 'cleaning' the weight as it never looks anything like it.
  14. doing it wrong. It's a good movement ,done correctly .
  15. classic!
  16. Just stay the same dude. It sounds like your not really wanting to change things body composition wise. Even getting leaner will cause wardrobe changes
  17. ....nothing else matters
  18. Try and make some of your own long term goals . Set a date and make a plan to get there
  19. Might isnt a commitment word danielsan . unconditional effort. How much do you want 10? Alot will mean its much easier to give it more effort.. A little will make it much harder to try. Why stop at 10? Why not 20 by the end of the year? Long term goals will force you to plan. Aim at nothing and you will always hit it.
  20. Great work!
  21. You will do 10 reps next time by the way
  22. Dan you now have a little more in the tank as a result of the training plus the additional mental focus. So you get both. You have only really done 2 sessions. Nothing is overnight. However in a weeks time your bench will have improved from that last one. But thats just a side effect. The point is that sometimes getting what you want will not happen if your havent got enough commitment or focus. Training that encourages more commitment is good every now and then. Look after the shoulder mate
  23. Actually fair enough. My comment was a tad cranky old bastard.
  24. both efforts are likely to be piss weak based on the people I have seen who take them. People looking for an easy way out don't try hard enough.
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