thanks for the kind words
heres a couple of other things i been working old chunderturd....this rotten old boat has had alot of things hand formed like inner skirts,floor pans ect all with original stampings rolled into it....its been bead blasted ,all the underbody seam sealed,textured ect on a rotisserie...i have some more pics i will upload later......especially of me torching 6 litres of material just on the body shell!
and now for something better.....this is my mates rx4 9 inch,series 5 turbo engine which has been bridegported and various other hot rodding.....the guy bought it over and done some work on it but has been to busy to complete it.....he had one when he was a kid that was black and loved it to peices......the poor guys been through the wars lately so me and a few of the boys got together and belted out some serious hours to get it finished and shove it in his shed without him knowing,the bonnet was completly shagged on this thing....some serious hours went into fixing it and im very happy with the way it came out i have painted it in direct gloss 2k (no clear) then rubbed it all down and a quick coat of base coat followed by one quick coat of clear with a zircon silver pearl in it....this allows the pearl to "float" and lay down flat.......what this does is gives it a large look and also it appears to be solid black until its in the sun...zircon silver pearl is purple/green/blue/red all in one and doing it this way its very clean looking(no yellowing when used on whites).....then 5 minutes tack off time then i powered on the clear....i will upload pics of the final stage when i get a chance to suck them out of my camera....these ones are just the 2k sealer/ground coat i used......