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Everything posted by boss33

  1. if its coffing and farting round 5000 u should gap ur plugs down mine r at .7 sum ppl say its to low but when i had same mods my car was doing this and that gap fixd it 100% also if in doubt about the fuel pump put a fuel presure reg on it and up the presure to say 45 50 and see if that helps with the pinging if not could be shitty fuel mine knocks (pings) if i run optimax but 98bp ultamate it dosent
  2. hey im re spraying my 33 next month and any 1 that’s seen it would no my front bar is a joke so im after just a stock r33 front bar series 1 color doesn’t matter or an after market bar that’s not to over the top i don’t want to rip it of on the first speed hump thanks
  3. hey coppy gtr bar do u have a pic and does it fit gtst also wots the freight to nsw
  4. hey is it to late to put me down for 1more s1 33 gtst if not pm me the acc info pricing ect n ill pay asap
  5. autobarn my friend thay get all there stuff through rocket who deal with erls go to rocketind.com and get ur part numbers ect n go from there
  6. thay sed y have twin bovs on singel turbo and gtr =twin turbo corect me if im wrong
  7. [this car is an animal went in it on 19 psi befor the cams and more boost and it would pull the foreskin of an elaphant ps i stil want dibs on that boost controler gilbert
  8. theres 1 way sorry 4 the long reply time catch_can_set_up.bmp
  9. nar buddy thats the return line to the turbo the same spot but on the other side of the motor ul see a lilttle hose that looks like an s thats the pcv conecting into the head my can is set up with the two hoses cuming of the top like the others but the return line is caped off inside that pipe and on the bottom of the catch can it has a nothere hose cabel tied down agenst the sump as if its going back in to the sump so if the cops look or pull on it it looks conected also the set up with 1 pipe going from the can then back to the return line wots the point in a none race enging bout 90% of wots runing through the lines is vapor witch is runing shit back through the turbo hence sucking in in pure air prity well defeting the pourpes of having a can to start with
  10. hey got sum bosh coils just a cupple of questions thes 3 wires on the stok loom and to on the new coils do i erth it then join the other two to the power or jusy leave 1 of also wot leads do i get sum 8mm top guns from a magner or wot have u guys used thanks ps i did a serch and couldnt find this info
  11. ok thanks so u can mount exturnl pump internaly that was the 64 thousand dolla question yeh i thort bout doing an in line but my stocka pump is stuffd fuel presure is droping off to bugger all when boosted on stock boost i thort my fuel reg was dead but its holding presure fine on other cars
  12. hey ive got my bosh fuel pump finaly and am thinking of mountin exturnaly 2 do this do i just remove standerd pump run a fat fule line to the bottom of the tank with the pick up on the bottom and attach the other end bak to the fuel line then add hose 2 ether end of the new pump bak into the line to the motor thanks i did a serch but could realy find wot i wanted
  13. hey guys sorry i didnt make it my fuel pump decied 2 shit it self so i gues its the skyline gods telling me 2 put a bigger 1 in
  14. hey ill b there r33 gtst red 3 ppl posably with a red 31 ass well
  15. hey this poast is 4 my mate his r31 diff cant take the 200kws that the rb25s slaming at it every day n we were talking bout wot diff 2 put in it ive herd that the vl turbo diff is straght bolt in is this true if not wot other options is there thanks
  16. hey i got a gfb duel stage with my car but i cant work out how 2 set it up ive got instructions with it but from wot i can c u have 2 have standerd boost solanoid and guess wot i dont have 1 um is there a nothere way 2 set it up orr not worth the effort any info would b gr8
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