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R31 Chick

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Everything posted by R31 Chick

  1. Two page ownerships in a row!
  2. Of coarse YOU would love his avatar! Urgh, hope you feel better soon Kyles, have a nice sleep, seeya.
  3. No, I am not talking about my crappy front wheel drive, it would DIE! No I mean the old rear wheel drives that get there motor completely under water, get bogged there, get pulled out, revs never dropping under 5000 and still she drives home, alittle water in the points so as to cause it to try and stall, but home still!
  4. What have you been drinking Kyles? No good for a child carer ya know! Hay, invest in a Corolla and thrash it in the bush, muddy parts, its good fun!
  5. Damn hay, well, you asked heaps of people ya know, no, really, you DID! Hi everyne else who joines when I was not looking.
  6. I agree with that comment whole heartedly Niz.
  7. Are you asking me or Niz that?
  8. Hello Aidwin and Godf4th3r. Love the new photo, very presentable, and that lovely smile! Yeah I know, that is worse. Or how many kids and what they wanna do with them and where they want to live! I had a ex do that in 2 weeks and needless to say, it lasted 2 1/2 weeks!
  9. Niz, can you have numbers first or does it have to be letters first. Like could I have 1VN etc or would I have to go IVN?
  10. Our breakup was really painful for him - he had his life with me all mapped out. That is the worst. Especially when they are talking about there plans and ya know you want to leave. I am not talking about Jeff here, I am talking about an ex just to clarify things.
  11. Yeah I know! All changed! Now Madam Bayley!
  12. Really crap! Watch Passions at 3.00. Thanks, I will change that, not been in the business for long.
  13. Nah, that was my 14 year old sister, Kelly.
  14. Hi Cam. Springer hay, any fights!
  15. OMG, what are you watching Niz? Is it disturbing your mind! Hi Docile!
  16. :looney: :box: :chairshot - silly Nate, you can't possibly live on $0! It is physically impossible! What are you going to do when you clothes and shoes fall off, you run outta toothpaste, can't put fuel in this 31 you have off its face, your hairbrush brakes, and you are a skinny rake!!!!??? I think I will have to :box: some sense into ya boy!
  17. Nah, he brought it off us. We have a 5ltr one now. Have you seen it? It is a stockie wagon but pulls [email protected]/h so that is ok.
  18. No Nate, you don't, just mails, haha!
  19. Kym, ah, erm, you could ask Daniel to do it for you!! Haha! He has our old red VN now. We have the white wagon VN. I seen you go past when we were washing it at the front of his house.
  20. I know a guy who is doing his apprenticeship there. I will ask him.
  21. And how do you plan to live if all your $$$ go to the car Nate. (Nate ends up skinny rake with hair as long as the Swan River and no clothes as they fell off 50 years ago!)
  22. Lindsay is wrecking a R31, you can get him on GTS2TURBO on this forum or the R31 Forum!
  23. Just do something, Nate is fulla idea's (if you have a look on the R31 page you will see what I mean) but has done nothing yet!!! RB30's are good with a RB25 head if ya gonna turbo them for the twin cam, if ya keepin it N/A then I wouldn't bother. After market ECU's (Wolf, Autronic) are good with the right one and the correct install and tuning. Standard air box vs pod doesn't make a hell of a lota difference. We have proved that on our 31 on the dyno. If doing a zorst, make sure if you are leaving it N/A you keep some back pressure, to straight through will only slow it down, not speed it up. Manual box and faster diff gears will pull you almost into a 15, it did with ours, we had a standard everythind else (box was standard 5 speed).
  24. Yay! I am going HHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMEEEEE now, yippie, seeya!
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