Yep, thats why I manage to knock myself out with it pretty fast. Southern Comfort, bourbens, vodka mmmm thats the stuff. I don't want it to rain on Sunday, showing my horse, don't wanna get drowned.
Your bearings need replacing. That is the first signs we got when both the R31 and a VL 3ltr boxes were on there way out. Both just needed the bearings replaced. Both were manuals too. Eventually it will become louder.
Yeah, then spin round and tell him that he must be in touch with his feminen side!!!!
Gave it a little crap, was in it when my b/f gave it absolute curry though. Still like my turbos.
Yes, I am a a P-plater (stupid 2 year thing, 6 months to go!) and I wouldn't have driven my beautiful GTS-X. I was hardcore Commodore before then and was even gonna get a VL. If I had, I would still be a full Commodore girl too. More risque in a Commodore than a Skyline if you ask me.
Yeah, Kym started that when he brought the Sonata, or possibly before!
Troy, don't worry, I will go witness, Paul isn't being very nice to me so I will dob him in, unless he says sorry first.
4.30, a common looking forward time! I finish then too!
Yeah Paul should definatly be grovelling! I wa being sooo nice to. No apologies, no nice me to Paul anymore.
Hello again Niz. How are you? No Kym to pick on today, he must be busy being a bumb.
No, Paul will almost have no post if you done that to him Troy.
No Paul, you were very polite when I met you, you didn't even touch me and I was at your house and all!
Being real nice hay!
Pauls lecture, Hi guys, gotta go for a sec, I will be back in a hour or so once I have finished whoring for 5 minutes, then I have to go back an whore for another hour.
Aidwin, do you still not have your car?
Paul, you admitted yesterday tat you talk to a girls shall we say, body parts, rather than her.
Niz, oh no, not Joe too.
I know, after all that, I thought it was going to be at least interesting. Its ok, I have lots of interesting stuff! Found out more last night. I will only use them when he anoys me though.