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About 66yostagea

  • Birthday 16/02/1940

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  • Location
    Tamborine Mountain- Gold Coast

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  • Car(s)
    RS4,RS4Dayz 25G,R32GTST
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  1. Ignition Key The original key for the Dayz is very worn and only just works in the ignition. I want to get a new key but cutting one from the worn key would not be the best How can I get the original key number? And who can cut a new key?
  2. Don't think S1 has much of a resale value ATM. How much is a Prince Skyline GT worth now. Maybe one day???
  3. LuckyKiwis get Avenirs. I would seriously like one. Just for fun.
  4. Hey Tangles, I should drop booked for an angiogram next month. LOL
  5. Nice to see your post. Still got my original; S1, plus another two besides and the 32. They are never ending labours of love.
  6. Hey Tangles. What is your poison now? Are you 4 wheelin or BBBBBikein? Did you finish your studies? I have a spare S1 if you feel the urge. LOL
  7. Was in WA caus my bro passed. Went to Augusta and at the Leeuwin Lighthouse spotted a bee u tee full N/A ARX. Saw the owner. He said it was one of only two that have been complied in Aus. Was only Stag I saw. I was in a rental Camry. Which I must say was a quite half decent motor. (Racing to bathroom to wash mouth out)
  8. I found that to be the case with C34s.After fitting an FMIC and FFP, I somehow fitted a 26mm plastic rad instead of the 32mm. My fault it was early days with the Stags and never noticed it. I had overheating problems. The stock water temp gauge never went over halfway, but when coming up the mountain the oil temp gauge I fitted went up to 120/130.+.And it started to boil in the back of the plenum. Once I fitted the 50mm alloy, no more boiling and oil temp always less than 100. Had to do a bit of cutting but well worth it.
  9. I would sugest that an alloy radiator would be the way to go I have replaced all the Stageas and the 32 with alloy. $300 each. Try Just Jap..
  10. Waggin Ears and Waggin tongues.
  11. Ben, I have an N/A S1 RWD Auto It is the 25G.
  12. Saw two down the coast today Both C34's.
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