Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know that after being trimmers for 8 years, a mate and I have just opened our own Trim Shop. For the moment we are working out of my garage in the Sutho Shire, Sydney to get ourselves started and hopefully get ourselves a factory once we get abit bigger.
Simon and I have worked together for 5 years, during which we have won many Autosalon trim awards plus 1st, 2nd and 3rd Summernats Elite trim awards so your pretty much guaranteed to get a good job from us.
We have trimmed such cars as NEVALO Rodeo, HOLLYWOOD Hilux, MERCULES Mercury, SWUOOP Hotrod, HVDFLU WRX and BCRAZE Odyssey
If you would like a Quote on any trim work (Cars and Boats) reply here, PM me or call us on 0403317457 (Scott) or 0414803084 (Simon)