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Everything posted by jenkies

  1. thats nuts!!good work and good luck
  2. Women will never be equal to men... until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. baaaahahahahah such a good aussie yobbo joke!! awesome work there cheers for the laugh
  3. bnr34 is same as gtr34 same as bnr32 is 32gtr get the 34 has a fair few goodies in the interrior and just a newer car in general. if u can buy on do it
  4. jenkies

    My Car

    congrats amanda! ca18det and manual FTW! good luck
  5. hehe i think ma old highschool started that. we used do fabricate the launchers in bulk and send em out..... awesome stuff
  6. jason ur so kind!
  7. hey guys just a quick question..... how often can u go down there?? and appart from a helmet what else do you need? how much etc??? can u use the track if your curantly on suspended liscence?? really needa take the R for a proper run and just drive... im dying for a fang! thanks in advance guys mark
  8. i thought school holidays were a few weeks away?!?!
  9. if only i knew earlier oh well just have to be patient and see how things pan out. but man 3 hours a day on the bus is killing me especially in this heat learning a lesson over and over and over again
  10. Jon Lister. hes a real nice guy and going to a bit of effort to help.
  11. ahhh it all makes sence now. by the sounds of things its not ne of us... but yeh if its your work i can understand why u want it to stop. at first i thought it was a joke bout ""wingfield"" and ""chicken factory"" soz for takin the piss
  12. hey dude sorry to hear dog claws are a bitch of a thing for scratching paint.... i got a few when i parked my R round the back and my malamute wanted to see over the fence so used my car as his way up! buffed and buffed but u can still see em good luck neway
  13. u beat me too it
  14. cheers rob! lawyer is trying pretty hard so hopefully less than a extended 12 months ill let u know friday arvo
  15. luke tuff pics!! if your wheels go missing and i end up with the same in white...... it wasnt me k bluff would be mad for a photo shoot! i gots court this friday to decide the outcome of liscence!! wish me luck all peace
  16. hey glenn sorry to hear that u ran into some wankers.. but there are plenty out there.... and the vn dunga full of skinheads on my precious gorge rd.... grrr this puts fire in my belly! neway man this asside hope ur doin well. to the nutty fellas on our streets. peace
  17. ^^^^^ someone cracked a funny
  18. my condolences and my heart goes out to ya man! Rest In Peace Kennedy german shephard/redhealer........ probably couldnt get a more loyal breed and cross..... all the best dude and i know nothing will make it better but invest in a new best friend asap.. it will help to take your mind of things good luck.
  19. MANUAL FTW!!!!
  20. a who was in the what now?
  21. screw the wheels how nice is the car good luck dude
  22. interesting... good thing is most of those hsv owners switching to nissan are likely to be older and a little more sencible than sterio type v8 hoons.... could be a good thing. and i read a fair bit of that thread... they all talk about the gtr highly. i like for bringing us that thread... a view from the other side haha
  23. very nice!!!! and even nicer work on the cooler and piping! u custom the piping? good luk and look forward to seeing the single in there. mght give me ideas peace
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