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Everything posted by jenkies

  1. welcome welcome!!! first off.... wow i hate lancers (non evo) but hell man uve managed to make that look quite nice.... im sure its practical and cheap to run for ya! plus u will get alright resale when u make the move to a skyline!! good luck!
  2. she looks wide awake to me.... hehehe very clean mate!!
  3. occupation health and safety! this is dangerous plug could have hit something come out... oil drained out... engine ceased caught on fire and u could get burnt or even killed!! the work shop should do as rudd did and say sorry! :P glad nothing went wrong but its a head f**k do have i different sized sump plug!! sorry to hear mate and hopefully u get some top work done next time by ur new workshop!! peace
  4. my daily is a vl wagon with rb20det! wagon practical, and fuel efficiency is thru the roof! amazing wit the vl higher dif ratio and rb20det can bunger up interrior and body withought too much worry!
  5. not stealing your thread or nething but nice line! good luck with the sale u should have no trouble
  6. cain ur 350 is the first one of its kind that ive seen. cheers for the eye candy!! diddnt get a chance to introduce myself but hopefully next time jenkies
  7. u went to the castle GRRRRRRRRR wish i had my liscence then i woulda hung around for longer no matter the heat! im sooo jelous! best roads leading up there
  8. a couple extra pics! and hows the sau handshake behind dans gtr!! top shot
  9. ah hem my heart was breaking as you make these five gran launch jokes...... compression locking up and down gears squeeks and clunks everywhere... may cost me abit down the track... no disrespect to dave but next time when i say can you drive manual with brass button clutch it should be either a yes or no.... it can be driven like a sleeping baby just takes a very loving clutch foot followed by a teency bit of nicely timed love from the throttle its an excedy brass button clutch!! very bitey but i love it... just a pitty i can hardly drive it
  10. lets just say my driveline will never be the same!
  11. nice shot! its good to see some old school! to those of you who's cars are hidden i apologise.. i diddnt have the hight! cant wait to see some of the pics taken ontop of the ute! top idea that!!!
  12. cheers all! next time im thinking ill hitch a ride with glen in his dr 30....... dont think ill be getting people to drive my car anymore
  13. welcome + 1 for looking for a skyline on here... good luck and seeya round the forum jenkies
  14. thats shocking.... with a gtr things need to be done properly not half assed!! i say get them to do you a few favours..e.g. freebies otherwise im sure with them doing things like that u could get them in alot of trouble
  15. whoop whoop
  16. dump pipe front pipe and cat!!! will improve dramatically! cat backs dont do too much except tiny improvement and noise. thats still an impressive kw improvement... my gtr has similar mods making 200 awkw minus highflowed turbo and a cat back exhaust good luck
  17. so roughly how many of us are going?? vu dont bail!! c'mon we need a neat 40th annaversary with pimp wheels there!! fitted a fire extinguisher today incase any of our cars combust tomorrow lol whos amped! ill try remember my camera this time
  18. SNAP!! adam uve told me exactly what i need to know with those pics!! thanks champ!!!
  19. my heart goes out too ya mate! someone stealing your car is like someone stealing your child! wish you all the luck in the world with you getting it back safe and sound!
  20. thanks bj! looks nice as on ur 31!
  21. lol naa not after complete "rice" look just want a decent stretch not a complete stretch and offset is to suit r32 gtr dunno what it is exactly. is a bit irrelivent but. im just after pics of a 235 on a 18/9.5 rim so i have an idea of what it will look like
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