Hey Dudes I see ya point hey,
I'm not rich, so saving $1100 for a car stereo, building the sub box by myself, doing the install with a few mates, then getting Mum to cook curry for them can be considered hardwork (guess I didn't do the curry so thats ok! )but give it 7 months and leaving the car outside my g/f's place in Bently and someone's pinched the bloody thing wit a brick through the passenger window. Thankfully we screwed the deck fully into the cavity so they couldn't yank it out, but they ran off with the amp and the bright red box. It wasn't a very Kodak moment. I mean after spending time, effort and money to enjoy something that I had so worked hard for, then seeing it disappear overnite is really a jolt to the system.
What makes these people tick?
I mean sure I'd love to put bulletholes into these people's knees and elbows so they'd live in pain for the rest of their life (okokok call me crazy! ), but I'd also love to find out why damage, steal and cause hurt to people they don't know!!!Are there any shrinks on this forum that could maybe shed a little light on the subject?
ps... Jst wondering if anyone has seen a Sony Xplode 12' sub in a bright red 42ltr box for sale or anything, would love to listen to my baby again, get it back of course (and hurt the motherfuxor who stole it from the car!!).