The following actually happened to me today....
After work I was in traffic and was signalling to turn left on to Wellington Street in Collingwood and there was heaps and heaps of traffic, bumper to bumper.
A nice lady stopped to let me in, before i could even accelerate, some prick in a vn Commonwhore who was behind me drives on the wrong side of the road and cuts me off to get in front of me to take the spot that the lady left open for me to merge into!
I roll down my window ready to absolutley lose it at the Commondore, stuck my head out the window a took a deep breath to shout and what do you know, the passenger in the Commodore is none other than Mark Chopper Read, the real Chopper, not Eric Bana, friggen Chopper, and hes looking right at me.
As soon as I rocognised him, and he saw me staring at them with a angry look on my face, I swiftly stuck my head back in the car and looked straight ahead with both hands on the steering wheel.
No cash here Chopper, i swear!!!