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Everything posted by ardie

  1. haha so funny this topic should come up. rhett i totally sympathise with u, im down mornington a fair bit and almost every time down there some sort of incident will occur. like today, i was coming back from mornington, and sitting in the left (YES SKYO31 left) and i was going 10 ks under (i needa save petrol desperately as my bank account is looking really sad....im talking $5 sad...stupid boss owing me $$$!!!) and then nall of a sudden some P plater in a VY full of ummmm rather ethnic fellows speeds up behind me and starts tail gateing me. so im like hmmm ok maby he will pass seeing as how theres a whole 2 otehr empty lanes, but no, instead of passing, this genius drops 10 m back, and then floors ti till his 1 m behind me, then proceeds 2 repeat this 4 or so times. i was starting 2 get a little worried so i pullled off in2 a street 2 let them go on their way, lo and behold, they followed me, then turn after turn they followed me. at this point i was getting quite freaked out, so i got out on2 the nepean again, dumped the cluth, took off until they couldnt keep up, then pulled off in2 a street and went n visited a m8. no offence sky031, but u seem 2 be making a concerted effert to portray rhett in a negative light when from what i have read (and experienced) he is doing very little wrong. think about it, wouuld u rather sit there on the speed limit while somebody attempted 2 run u off the road? or would u give it a quick mash of the right foot and get outta there, i know what id do, and im sure put in that situation many others would adopt the same thinking. another time, i was in frankston and some guys tailgated me right around a corner, so i went 2 turn at a set of lights,. one gets out and jumps on the back of my car and punchs my window (no damage) and i look around and its a carload of guys iiv never seen in my life, so what was i 2 do? option: a) sit there while i and my car get mashed by this pack of tossers? orrr...... b) mash the right foot and then turn off? needless 2 say, i took b and no ill came of it, i shutter 2 think what would have happned if id behaved in a manner befitting of sky031s line of thouight and sat there while these gentlemen proceeded to redesighn my cars aesthetics while giving me a free facial exam with the bottom of their shoes the moral of this story is......dont let a car full of crazy people tail gate u and then jump out at the lights and attack ur car..........ahhh frankston, how i love thee
  2. i was just askign about contour, cos my HKS super dragger drops down alot (having it modded when the new system goes on 2 fix it) so i was woundering if it did the same. hmm ill have 2 c, im gonna go visit some wreckers 2morrow and the next day so ill c what a stockie goes 4 with them.....stupid undercover cops and their stupid wheelie thing that hits stuff thats 2 low! wish i coulda tried it on their car.....
  3. hmmmm intreguing, do go on. how dopes it fit the car contour wise? also how much would u want 4 it? and is it really that quiet, like roadworthy quiet? also where r u located?
  4. hey people, i just recently got a canarie and in order 2 get the RWC so i can pass i need a quieter exhaust. with it only being a recent import, it only has a catback so all i need is th rear sectino of the stock system. if anybody can point me in the right direction as far as locating one (i know go 2 a wreckers, but thats my last resort due to the high $$$) it would b much appreciated as i have only been given 10 days (4 of which have epired). please feel free 2 PM or email to [email protected]. also, im not willing to ditch the system and get an entire new one as i am soon to be bolting on a new turbo, fuel system adn custom exhaust etc so if i did get a new one, utd be right in the bin after a month. any help would be much appreciated cheers ardie
  5. hey m8, do you still have the radiator fan plz? cheers
  6. ardie

    Bodykit Fitted

    nah get adjustabkle coilovers and 18s, so when u get all the attention from the police lookin at ur nice shiney new bodykit, u can just prop it up and away you go 2 clear that little yellow sticker
  7. one thing i dont like, is the attitude police display when defecting you. last defect i received (2 low - they hit a flange on my cat *GASP!* and un RW tires which hadnt even reached the wear line magically) they were rude. i treated the police officer with the upmost respect and when i went to shake his hand, he turned his back without a word. then when i said goodnight to them, they said nothing, but rather got in their 80 mil off the ground ss which magically changes lanes at 10km over the speed limit without indicating and left. i honestly wasnt rude what so ever to them, as i can simply adjust the suspensin and get an expert 2 look at the tires, sorry its a little off topic, but i honestly think that if police officers gave us an ounce of respect (when we treaeted them in the apropriate manner e.g politely) there would be a much better relationship between officers and performance car owners. edit: oh and i almost 4got. my mum got caught on one such defect stop, allbeit smaller, just off the nepean in aspendale and she hadnt put on her new rego sticker because it was sent 2 our old address. they then proceeded to make a 50 year old woman, without her perse and any form of communication or $$$ (it had been stolen from her work) walk 6km home at 10pm as they were unwilling to let her use their phones or drive the car home. this behavour truely disgusted me!
  8. ardie

    Bodykit Fitted

    WICKED! congrats m8, i recon it looks top! subtle but not over the top, very tasteful, just the way i like it!
  9. i said young ppl, i didnt specify p platers, most p platers i know cant afford high performance cars
  10. hmmm yeah it aint the best advertasment 4 young ppl driveing turbocharged cars tho is it
  11. ahhh ok thanks, maby u didtn c but i already apologised 4 that as i posted this and then saw it, because as Adzmax said, not everybosdy is in the wasteland all the time. np tho, again sorry 4 the double post
  12. .........and that contributed what to the topic?
  13. haha yeah sorry guys, ill try and work harder at not working....sorry bout the double thread, ahh well, i guess it does concern VIc as it is in vic, but that other thread is hilarious!
  14. yeeeeeep well ill let the pictures do the talking
  15. sorry guys havnt had net access 4 qute some time. but i got in touch with 6boost as i coincidentally found him while on the VL forums (now who said Vl owners were useless lol jk). some of the manifolds he has fabircated are very impressive and he has a "semi" low mount stiyle on which he can fit a turbo as large as a 30/40 without any issues and as it will be a custom item which comes with all gaskets, lines, 48 mm tial gat and a matcihing flange for around $1200 i think its the go. as for the high mount and polished cover, i would REALLY like this, however 2 my knowledge modifying ur turbo is illegal isnt it? i may be wrong but thats just what iv heard, so IMO sticking with the semi lowmount will somewhat hide it from some less mechanically enclined police officers. also the HKS 3037s is off of a 180, and comes with a 0.87 rear housing. could this impede it performance? iv read up a bit and according 2 what iv heard the .87 rear housing is the perfect match for an rb25. i still havnt picked up the turbo due to the owner being away until the end of the month so if there is a problem, could cancel the purchase
  16. SHOTGUN! hands off u bastards!!! lol kidding, but yeah ill b more than happy 2 take em off ur hands. pm sent
  17. hey vic, iv just purchased an HKS gt3037s that going on my series 2 (thanks goes 2 R31Nismoid 4 the advice) however the turbo comes without a manifold and is a t28 flange. soooooo obviously i need one, however i dont have a clue where 2 get one fabricated. any advice would be much appreciated. cheers
  18. check ur gaskets, ong of my friends had a similar problem and it was that one of his gaskets had deteriated over time and when a bit of pressure went you would hear a high pitched squeal/scream
  19. hey could u plz post pics of the td06, cheers
  20. hey ill take the coilpacks pickup if still 4 sale. just one q, whats he reason 4 selling?
  21. WECLOME 2 MELB M8! i live near frankston and i am in there often. personally i dont like leaveing my car outside and in the open ANYWHERE and i live in an area where im surrounded by eaither 80 year old retirees or 10 year old kids. when it comes down to it, frankston, as "different" as some of the inhabitants may be, is just another working class suburb that cops a bad rap. you should thank ur lucky stars u dont live near tanhtai, i dont even drive through there in fear of having my car bottled (actually happned 2 a m8 in his silvia). just get a nice alarm like a black widow, cyclops or something similar, they retail for around $400 installed at strathfield and make sure they put the alarm LED in a visible place to ward of some wouldbe theifs. hope 2 catch u round there some time!
  22. recently my car has started to do something strange. ill be driveing along in 4th or 5th gear sitting on around 2 and a half grand, and then ill floor it and itll rev up to around 5 grand and then start to decline till it hits around 3 grand, where it will then start 2 pick up again. its not a problem with the tacho as i can hear the engine revving in accordance to the tacho reading. it has only just recently developed this, and it only does it in 4th and 5th gear. any help woul;d be much appreciated thanks ardie
  23. thanks, but i knew what i was doing, just wanted some suggestions. didnt want 2 use those cut in plugs because they give a poor connection and sliceing wires is trickey and when ur playing with something like and ecu, it pays 2 be overly cautious. i went and got myself one of those new wire strippers fron jaycar, and its awesome, possibly one of the best tools iv purchased.
  24. hey i just got a new tacho and i need to runn it of the ecu, i know the plug number courtesy of a helpful member, however i am unsure of the best way 2 tap in2 it, becuase its an ecu, im worried that if i dont do it correctly some nasty problems would arise, so any suggestions? cheers ardie
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