Initially I thought Al’s reply was a bit harsh, but I didn’t comment because the video was already down by the time I had a chance to view it. After watching that video I 110% agree with Al, that was an idiotic act and I genuinely hope that your car is impounded before you go hurting somebody. Don’t think I am getting on my high horse here and going on a preaching session as I know all of us have been guilty of giving the loud pedal a good workout every now and then. There is however a time and a place for this, and I can tell you right now that that time is NOT in the middle of the day and the place is DEFINETLY NOT in the middle of peak hour traffic on a main road. Come on guys, use some commonsense. I also heard what else happned on the cruise in the Sorrento car park and all I can say is lucky you guys split when you did because I have a friend who lives down there and she said it was crawling with cops minutes after you guys left.
Dear guy in white 33 at the start,
Firstly, you are a grade A douche bag. Secondly can I please have your gearbox when you crash your car doing fully sick dooooriftoooo in the middle of traffic, Tokyo Drift style (btw you can be the guy in the rx7).
Yours sincerely,
PS which car park do you hold your drift competitions in?