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Everything posted by wild31

  1. Thanks mate very useful, appreciate the time n effort
  2. I've got the message loud and clear mate, so I should be able to turn my boost up to 40 psi and have no problems then. (40 psi the highest my ebc will go go or I'd go higher) so what about the people who have had a problem with their cars over boosting and costing them an engine etc? Btw I'm not trying to say it does or doesn't, simple as that, obviously the car will get a good tune as it always has, (powertune) currently! And for the others who said bigger injectors etc, try reading the bloody start of the thread, clearly says the car runs on e85, has upgraded fuel system. Can't see how the car would run on e85 with standard injectors. Just to make it clear it has a Walbro pump, sard fuel rail, sard injecters, sard fpr!
  3. That's what I mean by just my luck, that there 10s and not 5s but all good. I'll find some. Has anyone run the t517z twins? Also a set of them for sale on here.
  4. Just my luck, brand new pair of -10's up for sale in f/a section in my area and a good price
  5. I'm hearing you mate, I'm no rich kid, everything I have I've worked the last 10 years for since the age of 15. Hardest thing was explaining to the mrs how swapping my ve ss for the gtr plus abit of cash my way, wouldn't end up being a mistake, the car has now sat here for the last 6months, I did have a perfectly fine mildly modded ss, to a gtr, that's spent more time off the road then on, but that's mainly down to me not wanting to drive a car that's not running 100%. So I brought the mrs a nicer car. She had a Hyundai Getz, I hated having to drive that from time to time, and got a xr6 turbo, she loves the sunroof n leathers, and I love the turbo lol. But hopefully I'll get a chance to give my kid my gtr when the time is right. Not that they would probly be interested in such an old car in 21years time.
  6. Agreed, but it's a gtr, they will always find something to defect, but I'm also one for not trying to gain unwanted attention either, I guess the single is just pure want factor. And found a cheap setup, so that's why I asked, I've now got my answers. Cheers the guys that made useful replies! And as for remembering about the stock bottom end, yes how can I forget lol, that's why I mentioned about keeping the boost as low as possible without sacrificing power too much. The only plus side is, it doesn't get to much unneeded use, owned it for 18 months and only travelled 7500kms. And yes thanks for the reminder, I thought I knew what broke street was, I can only imagine what the future holds. But just happy to be in a fortunate position to be able to keep the car. As I always have done. Nothing wrong with having a toy, even if it just sits in the garage as a focal point ATM! Thanks for your help mate.
  7. But for future reference I'll just contact you direct, hopefully get to tap into all that knowledge of yours.
  8. Or maybe you should limit the time you spend on here, that way you won't have to see the same questions about the same car,same mods, same expect ion of car, same budget. FFS
  9. Yes, but I havnt posted my car up on that thread, so therefore I don't know what's the best choice with my supporting mods, nor does it actually give advice. It's clearly just a result only thread. Honestly this forum should be changed to a result, and knowledge site, every time someone asks a question there's always a few and usually repeat offenders that say the same old crap. If you can't ask a question/inquiry on here as according to the chosen ones, every single question has already been covered. What's the actual point of the forum then? Just change it to a skyline info site.
  10. That was part idea of this post, I am asking for advice so feel free to advise me.
  11. Go on? Broaden my choice.
  12. Yeah thanks to all for your help, just what I needed! Now on the hunt for -9,7,5's just have see what comes up first. Many thanks again fellas
  13. Anyone have any info or experience with the t517z twins? Just seen a few sets around for sale at a decent price
  14. Yes, but when I'm lonely and doing my local mainys down queen st in good ol ctown! It's all about dat sexy noise! Some even say it makes the all the single mums outside the tobacconist hummm out loud. That's when you know life can't get much better lol
  15. Ok, well it's just what I've heard, and can also see why it would if it does. I guess I don't want to go through all the effort having the car off the road for the last 5-6 months also, then strap a big snail on and a shit load of boost, then a week later the engines done! As I won't and will not have a rebuild budget available, any time soon anyway. And I also think my car seems to running abit more boost then others that have less mods, and more power then mine makes, and yes it's already running e85. And also think my rear turbo is f*kt as it has a lot of oil on it. Maybe just a seal or something. But last time it was running it was making a funny whining noise. So whilst I have access and a small budget I'd rather just replace/upgrade whilst I can.
  16. Thanks for that info, muchly appreciated! As for gay rainbows, well I'll have too trust you on that, as you seem to know more about that topic then I do. But if it makes you happy that's all that matters.
  17. What differences is there between my current turbos, which I looked up on a Garrett info page, and the AS number came up as r34 gtr turbo's ( which I was told when I brought the car they were n1's which are actually different. And the -5's -7's and -10's I know there would be a whole topic on this, so no need for the regulars to add there 2 bobs worth by saying ( use the search button) I'm after a direct answer. Cheers peeps
  18. It has hks cam gears already. Plus some other bits n pieces. I just named the main upgrades. No it's still a stock bottom end as far as I'm aware. The block looks 24 yrs old, do have a receipt for a complete head service. From previous owner, which cost him roughly $4000. Was around 4-5 yrs ago, but only 20,000 Kms ago. The car has 114,000kms. So I know a rebuild is a certainty in the future, that's why I'd like too keep the boost as low as possible, but of course I still want some power too. Lol. It's pulled apart as I planned for a fully forged rebuild etc etc, but very recently found out our first child is in the oven, so have to be a tad more responsible in the money department, and just glad I'm lucky enough to keep it and not have too sell it off. So that why I'm trying to be a cheapass, and yes I'd love to have the budget to go a nice precision, or t51R single, mmmm that t51R whistle gets me every time. But the account says no!
  19. Hi, need some help and advice on which direction to go with on my 32 gtr. Ok I have a lot of the engine and bay pulled down, just to tidy,clean, paint and bin unneeded shiz! Now whilst everything is very easily accessible, I'm tossing up weather to swap out the twins for a single setup, or just change the turbo's. The car currently has r34 gtr turbos. Stainless manifolds,dumps, etc. upgraded fuel system to run e85, cam gears, power fc, and made 296atw kW. Now I can get a used to4z,manifold,waste gate,front pipe, for around $1500. The bonus of this is I can make abit of money back by selling off the old stuff. Or Look around for a set of bigger used twins, for around the same $ amount. I'd personally like the neatness of the single, but has a lot more work involved to do. But I'd like to be able to get the power up to somewhere above 350-370 atw kW mark. But not be running crazy boost either. The highest it runs ATM is 19psi. Obviously I'm trying to do this with a very minor budget, Also how much kW gain would a set of drop in cam shafts make? Also which ones? Thanks in advanced for your input! Btw car is only used as a weekender, if that helps, no plans for circuit etc, just abit of fun at powercruise the odd thrash on 1/4 etc
  20. No need to be sorry mate I really struggle for a good 5 mins scrolling up n down to see how much you wanted
  21. Not sure if I'm blind, but can't see a price?
  22. Enjoying the direction this post has taken. Hopefully we'll hear from the advertiser himself again soon... Have abit of a catch up and maybe some advice on what if can and can't AFFORT!
  23. Lol^
  24. Silver/grey r33 gts-t s2 very stockish looking apart from big exhaust,front mount. Mint condition with the angriest idle I've heard for a while! Heading west on m5 around 5pm today. CYA 250 plates
  25. Nope , there's no covering his dyslexia. I can only AFFORT a old gtr32.
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