After watching every dvd i can tell you that there not interested in street drags, in fact they bag the people who want to be heros and get the place shut down, in fact they never show any actual cruising, what we need is one big meeting place where they can film lots of cars in the one place, also if it is confined to the skyline community then it will flop, most of the meets they go to have 300+ cars from all different makes, for this to be succcesfull we need to get everyone involved, im talking, rotary, toyota, holden, ford, mitsubishi, hell there are even ppl with nice datsuns (not many but a few) everyone needs to turn out to get a big feature on the dvd, if my memory serves me right i believe the biggest one so far was in adelaide with around 800 cars.
Either way i will be there but it needs a lot more than just skylines to get there attention.