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alr33x last won the day on May 10 2014

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    audi a5
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  1. just top dress it to level it up doesn't look too bad from the photo
  2. time will tell.. seems unlikely though - The median individual income is $849 per week and the median household income is $1986 per week. The median rent in Point Cook is $350 per week and the median mortgage repayment is $2200 per month. possibly slightly outdated but regardless does seem overly financially stressful.
  3. interesting.. certainly not reflected in our business financial hardship would be lucky to represent 1% of our sales and we are the #1 agency here
  4. not sure what source is stating point cook highly unlikely.
  5. bad to the bone brah.
  6. yeah agree no warranty wouldnt touch a euro. Biggest mistake people make is buying a second hand euro which has depreciated a heap but they forget the repairs / maintenance / parts are priced according to original price..
  7. yeah the warranty deal is impressive compared to what the Germans etc offer
  8. yeah i saw some photos of them they look pretty decent actually im thinking of upgrading but then i feel its a waste of money so meh.. probably gonna end up buying something lol
  9. does anyone in this forum have anything to do with cars these days?
  10. oh i c. count me out then
  11. what info you after?
  12. yeah naturally as the rental return and tax deductions will offset the second loan as opposed to one non tax deductible mortgage on your principal place
  13. yes but its not recommend because your adding 30 years of interest to it obviously varies if you pay it off quicker etc but that's the general reason its better to pay it if you can
  14. To a point sure - my market place the $600k cap was annoying as that is a common price point well was.. all that happened is buyers would stick to that or less or try and negotiate down $620-$630k properties due to the stamps which rarely worked in such a strong market.. but again $15k in the scheme of things is a relatively small sum that won't make buying any easier for anybody and ultimately would you pass up the perfect property for $15k.. unlikely Birds 95% loans are pretty rare these days and again $15k is not going to elevate someone from unaffordable to affordable the difference in repayments is neglible in the current interest environment. its a good vote grabber for labor but that's about it history shows gov stimulus for buyers merely inflated prices
  15. spot on the best way to a good buy is to try and find something for sale with an out of area agent or a very small agency as the homes dont get the same level of exposure, i bought my place for a steal off a guy based 40kms away it was a PITA for him to come and show the property so clearly was happy to get it off his books
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