Ha ha... wow.... I dont know what to say... but I like the last bit
"Ban Low-Performance Drivers, NOT High-Performance Cars"
Which I think is very true… I have been driving for the past 12 years, I started when I was 15. I have come across so many bad drivers in my life.. I mean I get them everyday on the road when I go to work and back. Some of them are just so dame hopeless and I really wonder how heck did they get the license and who the F*** pass them.
These people can do so much damage to others and them self all the time. I know its bad to say that they shouldn’t be driving … but it just pisses me off so much sometime which I feel like getting out and kick their A**.
EDITED BY MODS - please don't post your street racing stories on here, thanks
I know I did the wrong thing by having my mate in the car and speeding. And also I know if something go wrong its bye bye baby… but I guess I took my chance. Once again I really don’t know what to say about the above topic coz we all love to speed and push our cars to the MAX to see how well we could do. Otherwise why would we all go and bye sport cars and put turbo’s and do all the MODS? Why ? so that we could all spend so much money on them and just drive it @ 60 km/h ? I don’t think so.
So I think everyone whos out there telling that dude off .. I would say u all have done it.. I mean speed. So you should all know how good it feels when you push you car to the limit. So think again and u might change your mind. I know it’s a big risk and we can all get others kills sometimes. But if someone is meant to die he/she will die anyhow when the time comes. But I would say if had no reason to speed then DON’T. but if you have some competition then I guess go 4 it and take a chance. I mean thatz life … u have to take a chance … but dude if u just did 116 Km/h on 60 just for nothing, dude … I just don’t know….
Well that’s what I have to say and once again its just what I think and that just my opinion. Anyways take care everyone and always think again. Well safe speeding even if there is no such thing as that.