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    R33 Skyline

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  1. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=134184
  2. As far as I am concerned it is your wastegate???
  3. fixed mine check that your coils are definately faulty first
  4. Could be a number of things (as usual) but coil packs usually fluctuate when faulty under load which is what you are experiencing when trying to overtake. Which also explains, that when you decrease the amount of boost you are running that the problem will go away. Theres plenty of advice throughout these forums to detect faulty coil packs.
  5. The stock boost gauge doesnt go to 10 psi. Only 7 Anyway, try replacing your boost controller with a friends one that works fine in their car? It could be a number of things, from fuel flow (fuel pump, computer) to ignition (coil packs, spark plugs). Your mechanic should have noticed the problem and diagnosed it when he completed the service???
  6. please close this topic. haha
  7. You really should have your coil packs tested. Sometimes hairline fractures can occur and cant be seen and most mechanics should have the facilities to test them.
  8. I recently upgraded my boost controller from a t-piece to an eboost (digital), as soon as the install was complete misfiring was occurring as well as a flat spot between certain rev limits. My mechanic tried everything from plugs, timing, settings etc, then i was advised from another mechanic that it was my coil packs (after testing) and the flat spot occured due to all my upgrades (front mount, forgies, ebc, exhaust etc etc) and the standard fuel pump was not working sufficiently for the power output. I immediately changed my standard coil packs to splitfire coil packs which solved the misfiring. And just recently had a walbro fuel pump installed which has solved the flat spot. The car is now going smoother than ever and has actually increased its power significantly. Im not saying this will provide the same solutions for everyone, but it may help someone.
  9. Happy as........... Had the pump installed yesterday and now the thing is going like a rocket and boosting smoothly. Pity it couldnt have been the same situation for you (r32 gts turbo)
  10. Nah, doesnt matter if im running 8,10,12 psi still a flat spot within a certain rev range. Previously it was spiratical and the coil packs fixed that, but a couple of mechanics are attributing the flat spot to the standard fuel pump, due to all my upgrades. Need a pump either way, but am expecting it to cure the flat spot.
  11. Really? Is the problem back? I have had similar problems, and were initially solved by splitfire coil packs however, the flat spot is still occuring between certain revs and am in the process this week of installing a walbro pump. Ive been advised by a few mechanics that this will cure it!! Dont tell me otherwise, hahaha
  12. Yeh they look great, but i havent come across any that are compatible with the 33's. Pm me if you do?
  13. It really could be anything...... Something as minor as a loose wire. A mechanic is your best bet. I have had similar problems and it turned out to be an electrical fault, but that doesnt necessarily mean yours will be the same.
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