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Everything posted by edspaged2

  1. damn. Ive contacted the seller and he said he may have a standard computer lying around somewhere. Thanks Blitz!
  2. Hey all,, The ECU ive currently got is on temporary loan till i get a new one. Im not planning on getting a powerfc anytime soon so i was just looking at getting another ECU. ive found a Mines ECU from ebay. The seller says it runs but when tested in his car runs rich. Can this ECU be reset just like stock R32 GTR ECU's? The same method by disconnecting the negative battery terminal and pumping the brake pedal? Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/R32-GTR-Mines-upgra...1QQcmdZViewItem cheers people!
  3. Yeah use a socket. I never use open-ended spanners on any bolts. You can wear the edges down of the bolts.
  4. Sorry to hear man. Nice clean looking car though. Its kinda like the same situation that the R32's came out with, the carby CA18 engine. but why a series II R33, i dont know. Very true. Im pretty sure the transmission would be a little different too.
  5. Ive seen some cheap R33 GTR's, costing between 23-27 grand. One of em was a V-spec too. i thought to myself, "Whoa, thats cheap. I should buy that". Then i thought, "hang on, why the hell is it so cheap?". Im not saying these cars were duds, but who knows? Go on the general condition of the car. Who has previously owned it? Someone young or old?(I take this into account very much so!) Did they look after it? If the car may have had a rebuild, do they have receipts to prove it? your pretty much on the ball with this one. IT may seem a little daunting with all these things you have to consider, but the R32 GTR is an awesome car and i wouldnt want to discourage you from owning the true Godzilla. Im planning on keeping mine forever till i die, and if my future wife tells me to get rid of it, she can get the f*&k out the door! and im dead serious.
  6. Check your diagnostics first on your ECU. Usually if its an electronic fault then it will tell you. Do this first before you fiddle around with everything.
  7. So this must be a pirate copy?
  8. so your gonna show us noobs how its done. What exactly were you gonna show us?
  9. those little suzuki liana's come with stock advans. povo range though methinks. The range is just growing and Advan also supply a range that is more suited for normal everyday driving conditions.
  10. No worries mate!
  11. HAHAHAH! The all famous porno face shot!
  12. Check your ECU diagnostics. It could be a number of things, Your Crank Angle Sensor, Ignition, AFM's r fuel pump, etc etc.
  13. Fulli sik Hektik Yo Gauges on bonnet! As if the interior gauges werent hard enought read! LOL 3 months!!! Thats a pretty long time dont you think? i also hear that if a car gets impounded a certain amount of times it then gets sold off?
  14. edspaged2

    Country Bummkin NT BOY!!!

    The fashizzle Manizzle
  15. edspaged2

    My 32 GTR.JPG

    From the album: Country Bummkin NT BOY!!!

    My Precious!
  16. edspaged2


    From the album: Country Bummkin NT BOY!!!

  17. edspaged2


    From the album: Country Bummkin NT BOY!!!

    domo kun
  18. HAHAH! Poor silvia. Just out of curiosity, what happens to cars when they get impounded? Do you have to get them back after a certain time?
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