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Everything posted by edspaged2

  1. Hey all, Just wondering. I dont have a thermostat in my car. I bought it like that and i noticed it as my temp gauge is not working. i called the importer i bought the car off and he also said that the car did not have a thermostat. Seeing that i live in the NT, being very hot here, would anyone think it would be really necessary to have one? its something ive never had to worry with my previous cars so im unsure. Ive heard it should do no harm, especially if you live in a hot environment. Tried searching for this subject in the search icon but no results. what do you people think?
  2. these jacks are fairly common in alot of tyre joints, which must be saying something eh? Like Duncan said, make sure it is ADR approved.
  3. please shut up now and go on another forum
  4. If its just the top tank that has been cracked, then that is what they will replace. you can go for a whole new radiator though. the top tank is most prone to getting small cracks and the like as this is the warmest part of the radiator. If you noticed that coolant was bursting out of your car, you shouldnt have been driving it, even if you were only just driving slow. The last thing you want is to damage your engine.
  5. Ive use that type of jack at my local tyre centre. not sure about brand but the ones ive used are very sturdy, take stuff all effort to jack up, and i would trust my life getting under one of these! no not really. But seriously, they are quite strong. This is on ebay, are you planning to buy this off ebay? Mate, your gonna be paying alot for freight! They weigh heaps
  6. give it a go yourself mate, if you have the tools. save money on the labour that way. Get your dad to help you out too.
  7. punks/emo's/sh*theads or whatever, its all just a sad little phase that these kids will grow out of soon.
  8. afraid so too. Do what SECUR1TY has mentioned and hope for the best.
  9. What a scam. Who the hell buys an R34 GTR and doesnt know the specs for it? a F#cking moron w#nker does. the number plates read "GTR 26V". you think the seller would know what the 26 would mean eh? i hate these people who try and rip others off. reminds me of an R33 GTR i saw on drive.com.au for $9,900. Bollocks!!! One of the most definite signs you can tell its a scam, is they tell you to send the payment to an overseas account, or is if the car is overseas but they will ship it to you.
  10. so it is an Autech! i thought so. ive only ever seen it at a distance.
  11. you can check my old thread if you like. GTR running like pig. seems like you may have the same problem i had. Ended up being my computer. what colour smoke is blowin?
  12. you can check all your boost lines. maybe one has come off? its happened to my car a few times, but easily fixed with truckie ties (cable ties). IF not that then maybe a loose gasket? i had a 180sx which the exhaust flange gasket popped making it have a whistling noise. oh the possibilites......
  13. Nice cars Al! now you need the R32, R33, R34 and the V35 to add to the Skyline collection! Just if you remember, i spoke to you back in Katherine about buying an R32 GTR. I did end up buying one! it was too tempting!
  14. True? if you have had no problem then no worries. I got one straight off a front cut rb20 and it wouldnt fit on my GTR. plugs didnt look the same either. diffrent part numbers too. probably off another series
  15. Not if theyre set up correctly. skylines did come out of the factory with stock BOV's
  16. wow, this has turned into the R32 V-spec I and II discussion thread lol. I wouldnt buy the car mate, sounds like a bit too much.
  17. No its not. if you have a mate who has an GTS-T have a look at their PTU/igniter amplifier and you will notice the metal terminals for the plug are bigger on the igniter for the RB20 motor. I could be wrong and this may not be for all the models but pretty positive. the plug for the RB20 PTU is also more squared off around teh edges unlike the RB26 PTU, which is rounded. what sort of problems are you having with your car?
  18. jsut like zardos said, head gasket maybe, or the cooling line for the turbo. That "oil" you mentioned might be the coolant, coolant dont evaporate. but leave it for a while ( especially if it mixes in with shit residue inside the pipes) and it feels kinda oily.
  19. funny that how americans have it hard to get skylines. i was watching these fellas from the states havin a chat about the car scenes around the world. They happened to mention us Aussies and started teasing saying that we "modify kangaroos" and all that kind of crap. Me the big hero (very patriotic i am!) came in and asked if they get skylines over there. Yanks: uhhhhh, no. Theyre very rare here. Edspaged2: HAH!!! go suck Sh#t! theyre everywhere here! We get em and you dont! as we always hear......Only in America!
  20. invest in an already turboed engine for your skyline. performance is what you really want! oh yeah, then you can put a bov on it and then it will work! lol
  21. you can install one, but it wont work! lol. no whoosh, no sound, nothing. those "electronic BOV's" are pretty rice, so i would never think of gettin one of those!
  22. The mighty 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had to say it sorry.
  23. Found it. heres the link. its pretty interesting for those who havent seen it. its got some or most of the factory options for the R32 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=48934
  24. Run the car and go round to the exhaust pipe. take a whiff of the smoke. what does it smell like? it shouldnt be fuel smoke as you said it was white. fuel smoke should be black. im thinking you may have water thats being passed through the exhaust pipe. probably a coolant issue. blown head gasket possibly? burnt oil is usually a bluish smoke colour, but you may wanna check out all possibilities. are your intercooler pipes all properly connected?
  25. lol thats like the "talking to plants make it grow better" kinda thing. spread the good feng shui and you get positive energy. heheh. I admit, i say sorry to my car if i ever accidentally go over a pothole or bottom-out on a speed bump. pretty sad You sold your gtst for a GTR? true though with thrashability. thrash a GTR, and in the possible case it goes bang, expect to pay big bucks!
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