What the f**k is wrong with half the people in here!!
I missed out on a lot tonight and don't know where to begin.
1. A man should get a haircut about once a month. I mean really, who the f**k straightens their hair, your not Justin Beaver or David Beckham circa 1999. Grow up and get a haircut.
2. I've been going to the gym for many years, off at the moment, dislocated shoulder... I've lost heaps of size. I don't tell people I go gym, I don't make a big fuss of it, nor do I or have I had any supplements... I do it for myself because I wanted to be stronger for the sports I play.
3. People posting pics of themselves topless are douchebags... Unless your a chick. Honestly, no excuses unless it's holiday beach pictures or something.
Seems to be more muzzas on here than I thought.