Hey guys
thanks for the prompt and helpful replies! I noticed this aint the usual type of forum, at your standard one i would of been flamed by now , cursed out, told to 'google it'.
Ive been doing the 2 car thing for a while now. I have a get around and an rx7 (ive really enjoyed drving the FC to work when i have taken it!) But i dont like owning two cars, just for the point that i want to enjoy my car and enjoy driving every time i have to go someplace. Needless to say, i dont enjoy the bomb Plus the extra money needing to be spend on a 2nd car, regardless of what it is. Like i just went through spending a few hundred getting mine serviced and fixing some problems with it.
But on the same token, as much as id like a GTR i dont want to purchase one and then have to spend big dollars on general upkeep just because the car is more suited to being driven rarely, and not regularly. Plus i might add, that i have/had the intention of purchasing one that was allready imported here, and owned. I was hoping that might weed out any of these niggling '1 week' issues ive heard about with people spending close to 10k getting fixed. So no intention of purchasing a fresh off the boat job.