shamelessly stolen from
always been keen on doing one of these, now that i have a car capable of taking part in one...
... anyways, dates!
Motorkhana season starts this sunday The usual story, about $25 to enter, just need a car, a cams licence (non speed or better) and your affiliated club membership.
Local motorkhana dates
22-Feb-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 1 NDCC Monarto Multi Club
26-Apr-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 2 MMCC Monarto Multi Club
12-Jul-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 3 MGCC Monarto Multi Club
26-Jul-09 Motorkhana Skills Enhancement Day MkAP Big W, Monarto Multi Club
30-Aug-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 4 SDCC Monarto Multi Club
13-Sep-09 Motorkhana, SA State Championship + Interteams MkAP Monarto Multi Club
Apparently PCruisingSA is the new name for the Porsche club - great for people on workers comp who cant turn their neck - no reversing in involved.
01-Mar-09 Motorkhana, Multi Club PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club
24-May-09 Motorkhana, Multi Club PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club
20-Sep-09 Motorkhana PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club