yeah, i agree. near enough as makes no difference to 2 months is bullshit. i couldnt think of any reason id be out that way (dirty south) when i got the notice.
did a bit of searching and found the infringement date is the olds cruise. so when i get my photo im expecting to see whole bunch of imports right along side me.
yeah, hiflowed would be good. gt28rs would be better though i think. lol. meh, whatever i do, engine will be getting pulled and all the little things will be getting replaced at the same time.
pretty good figure krish, should be fun.
bah, turbos. fairly sure mines rooted (or on its way to being rooted, still got a fair bit left in it). good excuse to buy a disco potato though.
theres still restrictions on what they can and cant clean up. i daresay the torrens (which is essentially toxic waste) would be a definite restriction.
would you wanna go in there and clean that shit out? im not really surprised they just wanna cover it up again. shits nasty. that and if they took care of all the rubbish, the natives would just replace it overnight anyways.
what would that achieve? the law is so f**king lax. if its a kid they'll get a f**king slap on the wrist. actually, an adult would get nothing more than that too. shit, couple years with no parole at most? burn the motherf**kers.
yes andrew, ive changed my mind.
i wanna see the assholes that started these fires burn. no hearings. no court cases. no chance to defend themselves. i want to see them burn.
luke jacobs i think.