fair enough. i would be keen on setting one up, but im usually short on time as it is, this month im even worse, dont have time to organise to take a shit...
*non skyline spotted*
spotted a merc 180e on the south/torrens instersection, normally nice looking cars, but the guy who owned this one had decided he'd fit 20inch+ wheels, looked f**king horrible.
the words 'resources' and 'mining' come to mind seeing as theyre currently so cheap, theres basically where i put what money i had left...
i wouldnt listen to me though, im pretty much broke.
just thought of something that 'gets up my knickers.'
people that knock your car in a parking lot damaging bumpers, panels, and lights, and dont even leave a note so you have to fix it up.
its good stuff. love it. doesnt have the huge effect on me that it seems to have on most though. knocked back 2 cans inside 30 minutes, no ill effects...
but then, im so used to excess caffeine consumption it isnt even funny any more.
bahahahaha, f**king awesome. *buy buy buy*
haha, no shenanigans luke, wish i got a pic, probably wouldve if i didnt stand there for five minutes lol'ing.
just then out front of my house, spotted a black 34 with a pedo bear sticker on its drivers side rear window. no shit. bolted upstairs to grab my camera to take a pic of it but itd left before i got back down.