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Everything posted by scandyflick

  1. nah, market's $13k+, but because its you... ... hows $50k sound?
  2. buy another car ya poof! hah, get an s14.
  3. you still sold out. didnt even take me for a slide in it. poo pusher.
  4. what happened to you man? you used to be less gay. spose youre gonna start wearing flanno, referring to me as 'bazza', smoking 'choice' brand smokes, and pumping out children with your missus shazza to get the baby bonus to buy a set of internationals? you sold out man.
  5. camry?
  6. ... ... ... ... you suck so much right now.
  7. African American what?
  8. spotted a certain stagea rs4 with a certain grim driver in it near a certain pub in smithfield.
  9. probably fall by your work and pay ya then. ive got all ov 3 days off in the next 3 weeks, so yeah, doubt ill be able to get to the bank.
  10. oi mitch, why you wanna paint the 33?
  11. wouldnt mind, but ive got f**k all petty left.
  12. huge amounts of boredom right now, stupid finishing work early..
  13. was good fun, turnout was alright. had to bail early though, start work earlier than i expected. thanks for the drinks, vu. :O
  14. ive always got a spare key to my car on my person, just in case.
  15. checked my roster, ive got that day off, ill do my best to be there, depends how much coin ive got left after xmas.
  16. nah, ocker if anything. one of the 20-something new graduates. is a chip on the shoulder installed at graduation? i deal with rude f**ks everyday as part of my job, but im polite and courteous when im on the clock, id expect a cop to be the same.
  17. there were probationary cops on my train tonight. theyre assholes. was sitting with my feet resting on the edge of the seat in front of me, just chillaxin, minding my own business, had a quick chat with one of the transit guys who didnt give a flying f**k about my feet being on the seat, leave the station, and 15 minutes later, probie cop walks up says "get your damn feet off the seat." no please, no thankyou, no common f**king courtesy, no f**king reason to TELL me to take my feet off the seat, i wasnt disturbing anyone, i wasnt taking up unnecessary space (my end of the train was pretty much empty), so after a fairly frustrating day i took my feet off the seat and replied with "nice manners." he looked at me like id just killed my family and told me to show him some respect. get what you give, shit.
  18. thats pretty farked, not good to hear, guys should be drawn and quartered for shit like that. another useful post, your input is greatly appreciated.
  19. spotted luke, dan, andrew, and vu joining me for a casual drive though the hills this evening.
  20. awesometown. ill send the money over to you as soon as i can get down to the bank. or just pop by collect it and cash you up.
  21. more likely the only 2 who admitted it. ... or the only ones that have been watching the news.
  22. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! good call.
  23. thats actually what concerns me more than anything. youth suicide is being swept under the rug while 'hoon driving' and the road toll are being pushed into peoples faces every second of everyday, i guess its different for me as im still a little sensitive about the issue these days, but i definitely think its more important than p plater restrictions and hoon bashing.
  24. +1
  25. quick, everybody sign up and stir the pot. its awesome.
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