wish i couldve made it today, wouldve been nice to see what the celsior makes before i sell it.
shame about what happened to matty, hope the guy in the soarer gets whats coming to him.
youre right, the boss engine is indeed a quad cam engine.
kinda hard to call it a quad overhead cam engine however.
cams are counted per head, 2 heads, 2 cams per head = DOHC.
filling the tank with change from $20 bucks.
quality cartoons on in the morning before school, you actually wanted to get up when these were on.
being able to ride from the local bike track home at night with worrying about some shifty bugger jumping you.
cabbies that knew where they were going.
being able to have a bit of fun in a car without being labelled as a hoon and having your car locked away.