i need a girlfriend or some shit.
got home after a 10 hour shift at 9:30, straight into the garage to start making my car look pretty.
just finished up for the night then, and ive still got shit to do!
2 coats of polish, 3 coats of wax (and it still doesnt look as good as i want it to), and ive still gotta vacuum the interior, armorall everything, clean the windows again, etc, etc.
and to top it all off, i spent the better part of an hour armorall'ing the plastic in my engine bay by torchlight... i think ive got a problem
i also found a couple dodgy wires around my head unit (thanks autobarn) that i wanna fix up... bah.
and now, bed time, as i have to be up in *looks at clock*, 6 hours for another 10 hour shift at work... awesome.
see you all sunday.
ps, cara, thanks for the offer to help clean my car, but ive got work taking up the majority of my day tomorrow and a mates birthday shindig afterwards, so i simply wont be able to get the car to your place, but if you feel like bringing some tyre shine with you on sunday...