just leave it be folks.
its all been organised, you may not have known about it, and i can see how that wouldve pissed people off, but given what happened last year, it was a lot easier on pk and flick (and the club in general really) organising it this way.
instead of having 20 or 30 or however many poeple putting their hands up and saying "IM IN! IM IN!" and only having 2 or 3 people actually rock up, they now have 11 definites for this years show.
maybe voice your interest in participating in next years AS after this show, and get it all paid for and ready to go in the next couple months, thatll save the shit fighting closer to the dates.
well done to pk, flick, and whoever else had their hand in this.
heh, gazzanats, might have to throw something cheap and skid worthy together for that.