an abundance jake? really? come on.
ok, cool. so its okay to use readioactive therapy for treating cancer, and xrays are cool, but its not okay to have 3rd and 4th gen nuclear reactors in the middle of butt f**k egypt powering the hospitals with the waste stored even further away than butt f**k egypt?
... okay...?
funnily enough, the nuclear power debate is one that comes up rather frequently at work (we have a fair bit of free time), and the 3 most popular reasons used for the 'no' argument are nuclear proliferation (even though half the people that use this argument dont actually know what it means).
terrorism, which is a pretty slim chance sorta thing considering nuclear reactors around the world have about as much security as your average nuclear weapons storage/production/destruction facility.
(if anyones ever seen 'worlds biggest fixes on discovery, this covered briefly during an episode where theyre repairing a nuclear reactor turbine, probably ex military security wearing military grade armour and carrying m4 carbines in every room of the facility, on top of numerous 'unfakable' security check points).
and finally, nuclear waste storage, some people simply cannot seem to fathom how little room nuclear waste takes up, especially in a country like australia, where such a huge percentage of the continent is suitable (and suitably distant from population centres) for the storage of depleted nuclear materials, and that the vessels used to transport and store said spent fuel have been constantly improved and tweaked since before nuclear power was even an idea.