Haha.. im doing mine now... going to take longer then half a day but...
I went to the paint shop and got a matched colour yesterday arve...
Got a flapper disc and deodorized fish oil from supercheap..
Started by removing all the sound deadener in the tire well, then got to it with the flapper disc... taking it back to bare metal in most places...
Finished sanding back this morning... lucky i got to it early before the rust set in... starting to get a bit bad in a few places...
sprayed with fish oil and done a 2 coats of colour...
But the fish oil had puddled in a bit and i didn't notice, so i have a bit about the size of a $10 note with no paint on it.. lol...
Paint shop wasn't open today so i'll finish it off on Tuesday and give it a coat of clear on Wednesday...
I know i went overboard (removed everything from the boot including the tail lights) but i reckon it'll look tops matching the out side perfectly...