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  1. This fix was performed on a soarer but everything to do with the fuel pipe and restrictor should be the same. http://www.reepa.com/fuelnozzle.php Cheers
  2. When I took my car to Gavin Wood he hooked it up to a computer. With this he tested the 4WS. You could see the wheels turn but only slightly.
  3. Never had any experience with synergy, but I have talked to a couple of people in the know and basically what I was told was that Ultimate is refined to get 98 ron and Optimax just uses additives to get 98 ron. For this reason the Optimax will lose ron faster then Ultimate.
  4. I wouldn't leave my oil in for 400,000kms, but then I wouldn't change it at 10,000kms either. I'm no mechanic but 50,000kms sounds like a nice round figure to me. Obviously it would have a lot to do with what you use your car for (drags etc.). I imported my car November 2002. I put Redline Shockproof Light in my car Feb 2003, because I had crunching when cold and crunching 1-2 & 3-4 with spirited (not stupid) shifts. After about 500kms with Redline my gearbox improved. When cold there was the slightest notch from 1-2, When hot it would only crunch 1-2 with moderate to hard shift. I ran this oil for 25,000kms with no other probs. In August 2004 I had to replace clutch so I decided to give Redline Shockproof Heavy a go. I have done about 1000kms with it. If I am not careful it crunches from 1-2 when cold. When hot it doesn't matter how hard I change it will not crunch. http://www.redlineoil.com.au/reseller-locations.asp I would not pay over $120 for Shockproof, check link and ring around
  5. AFAIK we still do not have 98 RON fuel. Closest is Rockhampton with Optimax. BP up here is suppose to be getting ultimate but we will wait and see. Gavin Wood is very good, I took my car to him 2 days after I picked it up and was very happy. Does anyone go Jet Skiing in Townsville?
  6. When & Where? Well I am happy to do a lot of the organising myself but a bit of a hand from someone that has done this before or is keen would be appreciated. I have access to some free advertising and know a few people with grey imports. Do we want any grey imports or just nissans or just Skylines, what do you all think? Personally I would like to see all grey imports as a theme but of course all car enthusiasts would be welcome to attend. Come on lets get this happening, Cairns has already done it. If anyone is interested in helping or would would just like to show their interest please email me [email protected]
  7. Hey Peoples, good to see some Townsville people invading these forums. If you see 96SKY around give me a wave. Also I was thinking of having an import meet, where we can discuss problems, mechanics, etc. and have a look at each others cars. Please let me know what you all think.
  8. I have heard from others that some series 1 cars do not have the fog lights hooked up. Check that there are bulbs there and wires going to them
  9. Exactly JimX. I should have said that I let it sit overnight, but I also do this because I don't want petrol spilling over a hot engine
  10. If the ignition is not switched on I cannot see how the system is pressurized. The fuel pump must be working to do this. When changing the fuel filter, I suggest disconnecting the battery just to be safe. It is also wise to do it when there is not much fuel in your tank. Good luck
  11. Does anyone have or know someone that has a Page Guard PG2000 car alarm system? If so is there any chance of getting a copy of the instructions? Thanx
  12. They just push in Just make sure that your brake fluid resevoir is not full as it will overflow when you push the pistons back in
  13. Both low and high are H1's
  14. Shiro, Could you please explain what the differences are between the R33 & R34 intercoolers. Like what has to be done to fit an R34 GTT Intercooler to an R33 GTST Thanks
  15. Hi NIZ34 Do a search on Hybrid Intercoolers. Personally I have no experience with these but have heard from others that they are good. Another mob to try is Nengun and get it from Japan. Also if you would like to get rid of your stock intercooler let me know.
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