My friend was caught and apparently he had a radar detector in his car. The police sifted through his car on the side of the road. They didn't find it cause he didn't have one. He had the police take the car for inspections, they took it to three places and they could find NO sign of a radar that had been fitted in the car. Now when it came to court day, guess what even with three letters confirming no radar was fitted to his vehicle and police unable to find it, he still lost.
And he was pulled over in peak hour traffic, so could of easily been someone else. But because the cop told the Judge he was sure it was his car he lost. Its not a fair world out there, and things do not work as they should.
Its not your word against the police, its your word against the Judge and the police. So unless you had a reason for speeding or there is some doubt in the speed you were doing AND you have evidence, you do not stand a chance.
The people who have actually been to court will vouch for this statement. The people who turn up to court ALL drive high performance cars. The day I went there was someone with a WRX STI, Porsche turbo and a 360 Ferrari to name a few. I do not think they were there because of reasonable doubt or because they had a reason for speeding, except for their addiction to speed.
You must remeber, an authority has caught you speeding, so its quilty until proven innocent.
No top shot lawyer will be able to pull anything out of the woodworks for a reasons for speeding or a valid reason for having a work licience, particulary after the new laws and Crackdown on speeding etc.
However saying this you may have a reason for speeding that I have been made unaware of. But giving the circumstances and information i was given that you were caught doing '107 in a 90 zone' it does not look good.
If this happened to me, from my experiences its best you just pay the ticket.
Your best approach is to admit to speeding straight up,
then try to mediate a solution. The judge will not be interested in mediating a solution after you deny speeding. because they know just as well as you and the cop and the audience that you were infact speeding ( I am only going on the information presented, this may not be correct, that infact you may not have been speeding).
Sorry Col-gtsx, I am not trying to get my post counter up, I am not sure what that even means or what significance that has. I am just trying to help him out, and give him an insite into how it all works. The reason for the large post amounts was because the more I think about it, the more information I have to hand over to him. Thats all,
Thanks, Goodluck mate,