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Everything posted by 123456

  1. Difference is in my cast, it was stuttering like itd jump back then jump forward on boost, what your describing seems normal, it's just all the piping refilling (although if it's standard with standard cooler it's a bit odd, i'd be looking at leaks)
  2. I'll try unplug the sensor, see if it makes any difference, thanks
  3. anyone else? It's driving me nuts, stuttered huuuuuuuuuge last night, almost broke my neck
  4. Ohh ok thanks guys, rebuild for $300 doesn't sound bad... Didn't think of cleaning the contacts, i'll try cleaning those and err wacking it with something (my favorite automotive fix.. something i actually know how to do) then if that doesn't help i'll ring the places above. I would take it to an auto electrician but 2 that i've been to, seem to think it has nothing to do with the alternator (regardless of voltage drops and such) and say my power steering is just shagged, so i'm assuming they don't do imports. I'll post back here with what i ended up doing and the prices, might be helpful to someone else
  5. Ok so my alternator isn't working properly (when i have lights on or use brakes with stereo my power steering jolts and my Hicas light blinks, have tried a new battery, no help, battery diagnosing thingo at beaurepaires put it down to alternator) and i don't know what to do. Should i replace it with a second hand one (if so where do u find these?? Jap wreckers only seem to stock engine and performance parts) Should i get one off another model car (r31 or something?) should i buy an aftermarket one? Should i get one from Nissan ($400ish i think) or get my current one rebuilt ($400ish?) Also can it be just a cheap part of the alternator causing my problem? Thx
  6. Yeh, forgot to mention that its the standard BOV Refresh the page if that dyno graph isn't working
  7. HAHAHAHA Um yeh, are the afr's in that sheet good? Or is that sheet not showing
  8. Yeh, i was hoping some one might be able to suggest a problem after looking at that dyno graph, that was just after remap and turbo install Flat changing i'll avoid, i like my clutch and don't have a rev limiter >.<
  9. Ah yeh, thats true, if changing quick it wouldnt have much time to vent.. Do you think it's worth getting a new controller then? Or are you saying boost controllers in general can cause this problem? The joint that tuned it seemed to think that they (Can't remember brand, they were $29, had a long topic.. turbosmart?) were pretty decent Heres a dyno graph if that helps (before new CAT and Split dump) thx
  10. Um about 2-3 months, and only thing i've changed since remap is the dump and a new cat, which didn't make the surging any worse, any other suggestions? Just feels like it's starved of air.. or fuel after change, could it be timing related or not?
  11. Second the split dump pipe, made a big difference for responsiveness on mine. Dunno about the supercharger or the metal intake though hehe, you might wana try some Cam gears as well Stock r32's run 10 PSI, the gauge only goes to 7 because it's not measured in psi it's meased in mmhg or something, and that 7 = about 14 PSI
  12. I was actually thinking on the contrary, that it was the BOV emptying too much air out (i.e. a leak?), that resulted in starvation after the change as the piping was refilled. What your saying makes more sense.. maybe my BOV is on the way out, people say they are good to about 230rwkw normally Anyone else?
  13. Hmm, so mods are as listed in my signature. Basically changing from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd at about 6.5-7k rpm the car feels like for a fraction of a second it's starved of oxygen, and kind of jolts, then it jumps forward. It does it randomly, at different temperatures, not on every shift. Mainly when im shifting fast to. I have a few ideas on what it could be, but i want other peoples opinions. thx
  14. I drive a stock-ish looking gts-t r32.. It's only got 17's it's not lowered and i don't drive like an idiot in peak hour traffic, yet i get pulled over almost every day and about 1 in 10 times the bonnet gets popped. Just geet a r32 gts-t they look good (if u get the one with the Type-M frontbar) dont look like magna's or camry's and are only fractionally slower than a r33 !!
  15. ohh haha, last 3 ppl metioned chirping and such.. Mine doesn't lose traction rolling onto boost in 1st lol
  16. You've got about 20 kilowatts more power than me (im using Dunlop SPMAXX's, a high performance tyre with a very soft tyre compound, that grip very well), and i get chirps and more into 2nd, back kicks out pretty hard if the car isn't perfectly straight. My suspension isn't overly hard and it's standard ride height, so dunno why ur not frying tyres, dyno it i spose
  17. Yeh, figures i always see is r34 gtr 12.9/13, r32 gtr 12.8, i've never actually heard any one argue the point before, 32 GTR's are quicker!! 32 GTR's are also the less refined because of there age, interior is ok but nothing special and the engine will probably need rebuilding to
  18. Yeh sounds cool, essentially a cardomain.com designed for skylines
  19. Strange thought getting em from jap, theres heaps more in america, not that hard to find in australia either, will set u back about 30k for a decent model 69 (top pic is a 69 S/SS i think) camaro or for around $15-20k u can get a crap condition one and restore it. And yeh, there are permits that let u drive left hand drive cars (cept u have to have a gay sticker on the bumper)
  20. 123456


    ohh cool, not a big fan of drift as a motorsport, but if it keeps me and my mate alive a lil longer, cant hurt to try Cheers
  21. Ditto on the VE. Wheels been comparing latest Mercs and Beamers to the calais, and they always claim it comes out on top in every area. They had a whole magdevoted to it, and another mag half wheel half holden devoted, not to mention the 2007 wheels commodore calender. holden have paid wheels some big bucks, the ve will win
  22. 123456


    -_- @ ns.com Actually i sort of wanted to know the same basic thing, but i was leaning towards skid pans and such. A mate of mine has absolutely no idea on car control, and i would love to head to one, one day, learn some stuff myself
  23. Bleh, because its the tards in the government who make everything so hard. Its because the police force can brand people as hoons, that people get branded in such a way and its because of there ill thought-out laws that cops can make everything so difficult. How is it that no one ever gets there car impounded for cutting in front of me and slamming on there brakes or tail gating me so close i can see there face, whereas people get there car impounded for doing stand stills. Speeding, fair enough, but just about everything is a hoon related offence now, even losing traction in the wet. That burnout above was probably being done at 3km/h and its not like its a hugely populated area.. Far safer than going high-beaming or summat. Suppose its not only the government i should blame.. its the media.. zzzzz
  24. blah i gotta stop opening these topics. Get me pissed at the government..
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