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Everything posted by proRB88

  1. Thank you all very much for the advice, i have just put a down payment on the car so hopefully i should be getting it soon, and asking "what mods should i start to do to it" lol once again thank you best regards Vlad
  2. he wants 16 for it, i took out a friend to see it to and he too said the engine sounds fine, but yeah im worried abou that rattle!
  3. that was spot on, i was in therd taking the corner and it might of been 2,000 RPMS or under when the nosie started, then as soon as the revs got up it stoped. So is it something that i should be worried about, or just something that happens with these cars?
  4. not to sure like i said it's not mine yet, but i guess he was using 98 octain, but dont quote me.
  5. Hey guys I'm about to be the pround owner of a 1993 r33 GTS-T. I took it for a test drive the other weekend with my dad, and found that when i was a a low RPM the car was pinging, it only happend once when i was taking a corner in 3rd and you could hear a really loud rattle i spoke to the owner who is a machanic and he told me that, thats a usual occurance with these cars when in a low rpm, and it is betta to shifgt down and stay in higher rpm range. But i spoke to a friend about the car and he told me it is very un-usual for a car to ping at low rpm speically if there is really no performce mods on the car (3.5 inch dunp to a high flow cat, with a 4inch cat back to a 5inch cannon, and a front mount intercooler) So i was wondering if anyone can tell me if the problem is something that i should be worried about and, not get the car or like the machanic said something that happens with these cars. Please help me out i really dont want to buy a mellon, and never hear the end of "we told you so" from my rents. lol Best regards Vlad (sorry about any spelling mistakes)
  6. Are you making fun of me, because i already get enough of that and dont really need any more, im jut trying to sell my car nothing else.
  7. from what i could see when i was taking a look at the car it's pritty much standerd, exept a blow-off -valve, a fool 3 and 1/2 inch exhaust system. and boost controler (valve type). some1 did mention that it was the intercooler pipings and now that i think of it the guy had aftermaket pipings, but a stanerd intercooler. so would that be it!! And it was like a vibration with a lill bit of a rattle! (im sorry i cant really put a finger on it my haring is not that good so i had to get a trust worthy friend to come with me when i did then test drive, i could hear it but not that clear, im just going off what he explanied it like)
  8. When i start to de-press the clutch, and take off it woiuld start to do it and then continue till i would change to second or boost would kick in, but it would not do it when the car was heated up.
  9. LOL forgot to add this, if interested in the car u can PM me, call me, or e-mail me. Mobile number: 0405665788 E-mail address: swimstar_01@hotmail.com P.S Sorry about the lay out of everything Best Regards Vlad Adam
  10. This car is the WINNER of Australia's Best Small Car in 2003.The Hyundai Getz is a stylish hatch, and now even better then from the factory. It is extremely economical, it only consumes 5.7L every 100 Km perfect for city use. I have done some modifications to the car to make it stand out. > New 6 weeks old 15" mags (brand new rubber) > 4-inch cannon muffler. > 2 x 12inch Kenwood sub?s (800watts each). > 1600watt mono block. > New Pioneer cd/dvd/wma/mp3/ipod compatible player. > Custom fiberglassed door panels with > 6inch 4ways Pioneer (240 Watts) > Central locking. > Immobilizer. > Anti car theft alarm. > Specially imported Altezza lights > New just Done short shifter > just installed NGK Iridium Spark plugs (improve power and fuel efficiemcy) Cost $20 each > Just bout NOS seat covers (blue matchs the interior) > New brake pads have just been put on 2 month ago > Custom made fiberglass eye-lids (makes the car look mean) *********MUCH MORE MODS************* Genuine reason for sale I have invested money into another car and no longer in need of this one. I still have all the receipt from the audio installs, eyelids, wheels, and most of the receipt from the services. National Capital in Belconnen has performed all services. The car is cleaned and washed by hand at least once a week. If you have any Questions about the car I will be more then happy to answer them, I HAVE ASKED FOR $13,000 BUT MAKE AN OFFER, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPOINTED WITH THIS CAR.
  11. Hey guys,i test drove a 1995 r33 GTS-t today and i got to admit it was fun but the only thing i didn't like was when you would take off in first (i didnt try takeing off in any other gears). the engine (not to sure if it cam from the engine it sounded like it came from the left hand side of the car) would make a rattling noise it was really bad, would any body be able to help. Best regards Vlad Adam
  12. well i was thinking about 350kw at all 4's to 400kw at all 4 wheels, and yeah sorry about the fully sick sound shit my bad, lol. And like i said im will to spend more if the quality of the part is worht it. Regards Vlad
  13. When i bout the Car i was told that the turbos were the stock ones but re-built, the clutch was also replaced(dont ask with what coz i dont have a clue). but yeah, do you guys no of any good brands that you have used or currently useing that are up to the performance im after (the previose question that i re-wrote use that as a referance). Best regards Vlad
  14. Let me re-do my answer to that question, well I’m willing to spend up to $6,000 (willing to spend more if the higher quality parts are worth the coin). I want to keep the car as long as it is in one peace. I want to use the car as an every day driver, but still be able to have the power their when I need it or when I feel that 80km/h is far to slow. Like I said in my other response, when I decided that it’s time for my right foot to hit the floor I want to feel that feeling that you get when your about to take off in an air plain. I think that should sum it up or do I have to be more specific??? Best Regards Vlad Adam
  15. well i want to make it into an allround carbut mostly into, One that ones my right foot slames down i get flug back into the back seat, one that i can cruise in and turn heads, one that has a good sound system
  16. to be honest i really dont know, but a friend sugested that it was time for new internals, and i couldn't disagree with him, i know that i deff want to upgrade the turbos and convert it to a single turbo. but yeah
  17. Canberra
  18. My R32 GTR has just shat itself and i think it's time to buy new internals, so if any1 out their has had this problem (i Know there should be a shit load of you) can you please tell me about whats good, and whats shit on the market. I want internals that will be able to take alot of power in the future with out the chance of damage, i hear good things about the HKS piston set. So can any1 out their advice me on prices, brands, setup opptions, and if they no of any places that will be willing to give mates rates, and that will be willing ot install them. Best Regards Vlad
  19. hey all Im going to buy my first skyline soon and was wondering if i could get the help of some people that already own one of these cars. i found the car on the internet and was wondering if i you guys could take a look at the link and tell me if you think it's any good. http://www.carsales.com.au/pls/carsales/...rch_distance=25 Best regards Vlad P.S. please help
  20. i have been told that to afford the repairs for a R32 GTR you need to have deep pockets can anybody comfirm if this is true. -And what would be a conciderable option for rebuilding an engine (will be wanting more power shortly 300kw-350kw). - forged -cast iron -What would be betta, to stay with the twin turbo idea but just upgrade them or to buy one big turbo that will replace the twins. -also what would be a good brand to go for all these upgrades. regards Vlad
  21. hey guys I was looking at buying a R32 GTR i talked to some GTR owners and they told me that buying a R32 GTR with out a re-build as pritty much digging your own grave. IS THIS TRUE. Regards Vlad Adam
  22. hey mate, im interested in your car. but has the car had a rebuild
  23. aight the RX-& has the following modes Single T66 ball bearing turbo conversion, Freshly rebuilt motor (new machined rotors, 3mm apex seals, extended mild port & Custom manifold) Turbosmart 48mm wastgate & T/S Megasonic B.O.V, 3IN stainless exhaust system from turbo with hi flo cat & Dump pipe, Brand new Thick multi core stainless front mount & stainless pipping with pop off valve, Fuel pump with regulator - larger injectors & 2 extra injectors, Microtech computer, New 5 button brass clutch kit, Front & rear strut braces, k&n air filter, All round koni shocks & springs sit low on white 19in hp's, Front & rear ap racing 4-spot caliper upgrade with slotted rotors, (All work carried out by Bill nabahan @ Mazsport) Reciepts for engine over $27,000.00, Engine pumps out 250kw ATW on 13psi, Outside-Front & rear body reflectors removed-Spoiler also removed, Sp series 8 rear lights, Fully alarmed black widow setup with auto window closure once activated, Inside-E-boost guage, Air/Fuel guage & Boost guage, Microtech dash - controls water, oil & All aspects of the engine, Pioneer in-dash 6.5in tv/dvd player with remote, JL splits & Kenwood 3-way front speakers are controlled by a massive JL audio amp, Dark tinted windows, Sunroof
  24. Hello Australia I was wondering for the last 2 years I have been driving a Hyundai Getz and well I want to upgrade to something that has a lot of appeal, and style but in the same time can go really really fast, really really quickly. I know that sounds like I’m a dickhead that just wants a kool car, but after driving a Getz for 2 year I think all of you would know what I mean. I mean 50cc scooters overtake me, lol. Any way I have around about $28,500 to spend on a car and well I was looking at 3 types of cars and if anyone could tell me the pros and cons about them that would be grate I know that this is a Skyline forum and you will all say that the skyline will kick ass but yeah I just need to know about all 3 cars. The cars that I’m looking to buy are: 1. 1994 RX-7 with a brand new re-build 2. 1990 R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R with a re-build 3. 1994 Toyota Supra RZ So if you all could give me a hand on deciding, what would be the best that would be mad. Best regards Vlad Adam
  25. hey i just bout my first R32 GTR on the weekend and i love it but my question to you all that have on is what can i do to the exterior to make it more of a head turner. if any body has any pics of there R32 GTR head turner u would be a grate help if you could post them to me . best regards Vlad Adam
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